The Self-Destruct Button

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Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.-William Shakespeare

I headed up to school 15 minutes earlier than I had to be there; mainly because I couldn't stand to be in my own house any longer.

I took the long way there, passing all the houses made of brick, even some made of stone. Down one particular street it's even easier to tell where the division of soc and greaser is. On one side of street the yards are perfectly cut, and roses are planted in the gardens. On the other side the grass is an ugly yellow color due to under watering and the plants just ran wild. It's not hard to figure which houses belong to greasers and which belong to socs. People think that the greasers don't take care of their houses just because they're messy people. But, the truth is greaser parents usually work more than one job to make ends meet. So their yards aren't the most pressing things on their mind.

I sped on this street, nearly flipping my car when I took a sharp right into the school parking lot.
I drove to the front lot, where the Soc's park. I didn't park there because I saw myself as a soc. I parked there because once I parked in the back lot and a greaser keyed the black paint off my car. He apologized after he found out it was me but still, it's just less trouble to park up front.
I cut the ignition and walked into the school, seeing the some of the Soc's tossing a football back and forth and Two-Bit slouching with a few boys I didn't recognize. He saw me but, didn't wave me over which was my cue to leave him alone. Sometimes they'll leave me out of things they think I can't handle. It's nothing personal, it's just the way things work. 

"Hey new girl!" One of the boys with the football called to me.

He has dark brown hair, almost black, and wide green eyes.

"Hi." I said politely and sighed internally when he, unlike Two-Bit, waved me over.

"You're not from around here, are ya?" He asked, his eyes obviously raking up and down my body.

"I'm new this year." It was almost summer so, I suppose I wasn't that new anymore.

I hadn't struggling like a brand new kid, thanks to Two-Bit. On the second day of school he invited me over to the Curtis's. It would be funny for anyone but him to invite a stranger to someone else's house but, for him it was typical.

"Rough." The boy with dark hair said, although I had the feeling he could care less. "What's your name?"

"Scarlett Peterson."

His friend with red hair seemed greatly amused by this but, he just ignored it. "I'm Jackson Montgomery." He held out his hand I shook it warily. 

I had heard some stuff about him and it wasn't all that friendly. 

"Nice to meet you." I said, the warning bell saving me, "Well, I've got to go. Class and all."

He gave me one last knowing smile, "I'll see you soon."

I should have paid attention to that smile, looking back on it. But, at the time, I didn't think a thing about it. He was just some soc who was messing with me. He didn't matter. 


School dragged on for what seemed like 5 hours too long. One of the big problems for me is that it's all too easy. Except for math. Numbers and I just don't mix.

So I almost jumped for joy when the final bell rang. I hurried down the hallway, shoving my books into my backpack and opening up the front door.

"Scar!" I heard almost instantly when I walked out the doors.

I scanned the parking lot and saw Soda and Dallas waiting in their car. Their front tires were even up on the curb but, no one was going to dare tell them to move with Dallas in the car. Even if they hadn't had a personal run in with Dallas, they knew about him. 

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