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There are no secrets that time does not reveal.-Jean Racine

Johnny and I woke up in the morning to Soda hollering at us through the windows, motioning for us to open up the door. We hadn't been sleeping very long with Dallas's nightmare and we were both beat. Still, if I didn't open up the door Soda was bound to break the window so I hauled myself over to the entrance and swung open the wooden door. Soda kissed me on the cheek, giving me a bright smile that was completely stretched across his tan face. Sometimes I would stop, just to take a good look at Soda. Everyone in Tulsa could agree that he was the most handsome boy there.

"Ya'll have a good time together?" Soda asked, messing up Johnnys hair when he sat down next to him.

Johnny nodded, "Scarlett's sure got a nice place here."

He was still looking around my house, like it was an illusion of his mind. Like maybe, he was still dreaming and he was going to wake up back in the shack of his house.

"That's why I keep her around." Soda grinned and then winked at me.

Sometimes he's so handsome I just can't stand it.

"Where'd ol' Dally go?" Soda asked again.

Johnny and I looked at each other immediately, only for a few seconds but, that was long enough for us to agree to not tell anyone. We didn't need words to communicate what we were both thinking. If you're close enough with someone you can tell what they're thinking just with a look. Dallas would have skinned both Johnny and I alive if we ever would have told Sodapop that he had had a nightmare. We didn't keep secrets from eachother but, this was something different. This wouldn't affect any of the others. This was just something to be kept between Johnny, Dallas, and I.

"Took off for Shepards at about 11." I said, I've always been a better liar than Johnny. He's too scared of getting caught to ever pull of anything convincing.

"Figures." Soda snorted.

Even though Dallas and him partied together, I sometimes got the feeling they didn't think of each other too fondly.  It seemed weird to me, at the time, to keep someone around who you didn't like but, I realize now it was for survival. 

"You know how Dal gets." Johnny said, a bit defensively.

"You're telling me." Soda rolled his dark eyes again then jumped up off the couch. "Lets go back to my place. Two-Bit told me he was coming over later."

We could have drove but, we just figured it was a nice enough day to walk. Soc's never messed with Soda really. He was a little lanky but, he sure could fight. If I would have been walking with just Johnny, I would have been more worried. We took a short cut through the park that divided the East and West side in my neighborhood. I was laughing at one of Sodas jokes when Johnny skidded to a stop, dead in his tracks. I would have walked right past Dallas then, asleep against the tree if Johnny didn't point him out. I was thinking about leaving him there, to be honest, wondering if it was worth waking him up.  But, Soda walked over and kicked him a little bit, until he woke up.

"What the hell?" Dallas grumbeled, looking at Soda and then widening his eyes when he saw Johnny and I standing behind him.

I just gave him a little shake of my head, and that was enough for him to know that I didn't tell. That I was never going to.

This Might Hurt A Little-A Dallas Winston FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now