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"Are you ready now?" Liam asked. For the past five minutes he gave me a calming down therapy. I did get my nerves together but I'm still nervous as fuck. "I am." He smiled giving me an assuring nod.

Stephen once again took his robe of. For the first time I saw his whole body. He was for sure a masterpiece. My eyes wandered from his neck to down to his lower stomach. I took a sharp breath when my eyes landed on his manhood which was in its full erection. Damn.

I looked back at his face and I blushed hard as I realised he had caught me looking. "I'm sorry." I murmured. "Hey it's fine. Its totally normal." He smiled. We both took a step closer to each other and stood close eachother. Not that I wanted it but I had to. My heart was beating so fast.

Stephen put a hand on my lower back pulling me close to him. I gasped at the sudden contact of our skin. "Ok Stephen just do and also try to guide her." He nodded and put my arm around his neck. "With this hand go through your hair." I nodded and did as I was told.

He put one hand under my thigh putting it on his leg which he had bent a little. His touch was too much for me. It made me so fucking nervous. No one had ever touched me like this. I'm virgin Mary herself.

"Har look into the camera. Try to look calm yet sexy." I hesitantly nodded. How the hell am I supposed to look calm? While such a hot guy is standing in front of me and touching me. I looked into the camera as I was told. Suddenly I felt Stephen's lips against my neck.

"What are you doing?" I stuttered at him. "Its just a pose darling calm down." He murmured against my skin. I took a deep breath and focused my gaze back on the camera. The photo was shot. Thank God.

Soon we had a lot more poses. And each was getting more and more sensual. And I hated it. I hated Harper right now for doing this to me. Fucking hell. I had to change outfits a couple of times. Meanwhile I had a shirt type dress on which hung low on my shoulders.

"Ok Mandy get the Rose." Liam commanded to his assistant. Why the hell do they need a Rose? The assistant soon came back and handed it to Stephen. Who tuck it between his pearl white teeth. The view looked so fucking sexy. No girl compose yourself.

"Ok Harry take it from his mouth with your mouth." I looked at Liam with my eyebrows raised. He gave me pleading look and a sad smile. I groaned making Stephen laugh. "You should get an award for groaning." I rolled my eyes. "Ya really funny."

I put my hand on his torso and the other on his neck. I sucked in a sharp breath. "Take it." He whispered and I took another breath. I slowly but hesitantly laid my lips against his pink flush ones. It felt so soft against mine yet so big. He parted his lips slightly so I could get the ROSE. Our teeth brushed against eachother as I bit the Rose taking it from him. Done. God. Jesus.

I pulled myself away from him and looked at Liam who clapped loudly. "That's a wrap guys. Perfect. An amazing job you both did." I let out a relieved sigh. I was kinda proud of myself for doing such a big thing. Also I knew I'll never do that shit again although I had to say a part of me enjoyed it.

"You did great girl." Liam complimented pulling me close to him by my waist. "Thanks but I swear I'll never do any shit like this again." He chuckled. "Its fine you don't have to." He kissed my cheek. Making me giggle. "Go get changed and I'll show you the photos." I nodded and went into the changing room.

I changed into my jeans and shirt and pulled my hair into a ponytail. When I walked back Stephen and Liam were already standing in front of the monitor. Finally Stephen was wearing something. I walked towards them and watched as Liam scrolled through the photos.

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