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"Wait so let me get it straight. Stephen invited you for dinner?" I tucked my phone between my shoulder and ear. "Exactly and I have a feeling that this is gonna get awkward as hell." She chuckled. "Well let's just hope that you present yourself well and don't humiliate yourself in front of your ex." I rolled my eyes. "He's not my ex since we never dated in the first place."

"Whatever then your little boy toy. Now go there and show him what he's missing." Harper was getting on my nerves right now. "Did we just leave out the fact that he shot my father." Why do people always pretend like everything is fine when it's clearly not. "Ok I get it but it was four years ago and I know this situation is not so convenient for you but still try." I wish I could see it that way but hope I don't get over it.

Drama queen? Absolutely. "Ya ok I'll go and hope that we don't end up clinging on to each others throats." She chuckled. "It's fine hun. Anyways I gotta go have fun at your little date." God no. "Harper it's not a date." She hung up. Bitch. I packed my little purse and took my car to the place where he wanted to meet. Although I'm trying to deny it feels like some sort of date. At least I hope it's a friendly one.

Although I wouldn't consider us as friends. And for sure would I never reconsider to date that douche. Ever since Kash came into my life I drifted away from the whole Stephen thing. But now thinking of the possible chance of working with him makes me doubt if I really wanna work here. At least I hope he appreciates the fact that I'm even willing to talk to him after that stunt.

I found myself in front of a pretty high class restaurant. I knew this one. But I've only seen it from outside and on pictures. This place is for absolute millionaires. A wine costs hundreds sometimes. With that I could eat for a week so nah never gonna come here again. So I gotta enjoy the class. As I entered the restaurant I was greeted by a charming young man. "Hello miss welcome to Emperor's palace."

He extended his hand. I hesitantly took it and he lead me into the restaurant. It was absolutely elegant. It was held in black and gold. Very rich. Never would thought of being in such a place. "May I know your name?" I feel like I'm in a palace. The treatment was very unlikely but I loved it. "Harriet Jones." Just then entered another man. "Ms. Jones. Mr. James is waiting for you. Follow me." He held out his arm leading me into the elevator.

Gosh. This building had 20 flours. For a restaurant that's huge. He brought us to the 14th floor and I entered. The Aroma of that fragrence filled my nostrils. "Miss end of the hallway and left." I nodded and he dismissed himself with a smile. Walking down the way felt some what of relieved. The whole scenario was warm even though this place was not for my class. I found myself in front of huge doors at which I wanted to know but they opened up.

I entered the room as my eyes wandered over the huge massionete apartment which was mobilised with style. "Wow." I found myself gasping. "Harriet." His voice. I turned around his intense eyes boring into mine. His eyes wandered over my body and the old me would have felt shy and uncomfortable. But I didn't. I felt confident and happy in some weird way.

"Hey Mr. James." I couldn't suppress laughter. That sounder hilarious. He smirked a little. "Never call me like that again. Stephen." I shrugged walking over to him not to close but like 1 foot distance. "So um to get to the point. You invited me here because?" He motioned on the sofa for me to sit and I did sighing. "Ya a few things actually but how about we eat something?"

"Can I be honest with you?" He nodded. "Sure go ahead." I placed my purse in the table. "I don't want things to get awkward you know. I mean we kinda had a thing for each other in the past and now sitting in front of you is kinda weird." He nodded. He stood up grabbing himself a bottle of bourbon. "Excuse me. Would you want some?" I shook my head. He gulped down a glass of it.

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