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Sometimes I let the lust get through before my sense. But hey I didn't fall for him. It's just pure lust. "Fine as you wish sweetheart." He whispered in my ear while inhaling my scent. I closed my eyes as he placed soft kisses from my ear to neck. "How about we get out of here?" I suggested pulling back. He grinned. He took my hand leading us out of dance floor. We took his car back home. The car ride was tensed. The sexual kind of tension.

We arrived at our building. He pulled me close by my waist as we went to into the elevator. I kissed his throat slightly licking over it. I could hear him stiffen and relax at the same time. Weird. He lifted me up throwing me over his shoulders. I could hear him struggling to open the door but eventually did. He slapped my but making me squeal. " Hey." He chuckled kissing it. I couldn't see anything because it was dark.

I could feel him throw me down on a soft cushion. He crawled over me howering over. "Stephen." I whispered as he unbuttoned his shirt. I could just see bits and pieces of his tattooed body. I ran my hand down his and feeling every bump of his muscles. He pulled me up as I sat on him. "Kiss me baby." I gulped before placing my lips on his. It felt weird yet absolutely satisfying. I slowly moved mine against his. He ran a hand to my upper back pulling the zip down.

The kiss speeded as we explores each other. "Such a long time." He murmured and I raised my arms for him to pull my dress of. "You ass." I chuckled as he tore my dress a little. "I'll get you a new one." I smirked before placing my lips back on his. Everything was going in a perfect tempo. He grinded himself into my core as I felt myself getting wet. I felt his soft skin rubbing against mine. He kissed down my throat to my breast. "Fucking hell."

He unclapsed my bra throwing it down and kissed my breasts tenderly. Before taking one nipple in his mouth sucking bitting and licking. While he hand the other one in his hand and pinched it. I moaned at the weird sensation that I felt. It felt more than just what it was. Much more tender and sensitive. I threw my head back as he placed open mouth kisses down my stomach. "I've always wanted to do this." He said making me grin. "Now you can."

I laid down on his couch as he pulled my panties down. He placed a soft kiss on my clit making me shiver. "Stephen ahh." I moaned as he attacked my clit with his tongue. He licked over it first slowly then fast. But it was still so tender as if he was trying to make the sensation last forever. "Harriet I want you to.." But his sentence was interrupted when the light turned on. As if it was his instinct he pulled me closer covering my naked body in his embrace.

I looked at the door finding Liam stand there. Stephen groaned pulling me closer to him. "Dude how about you ring the bell instead of just barging in?" I asked rolling my eyes. "Nah he gave me a key. And how am I supposed to know that you two would end up in bed together?" Stephen shrugged. "Still this is my house. I gave you the key for emergency purposes not to walk in while I'm..." He stooped inhaling deeply running a hand through his hair. It was pretty roughed up because I've been tugging at it.

"I'm sorry. And you and I gotta talk tomorrow." I nodded sighing. "Now get the fuck out of my house." Liam raised his hands in surrender before walking out. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. I could feel Stephen's gaze on me. "Stop staring.." I could feel the blush creeping up. "Am I making you nervous darling?" He grinned smugly as I slapped his arm slightly. "Shut up." He chuckled in my ear as the laughter spread across the room. "So now where did we left of?" He asked kissing my neck. Just again interrupted by his phone.

"God thinks that we should stop it I think. Or else we wouldn't be interrupted twice in 10 minutes." He rolled his eyes picking up his phone. "Ya.....mmmh....sure Wait a second." He grabbed me as if I were a baby while still talking into his phone. He carried me over to what I guess was his closet and motioned over to one section. "Choose anything you'd like to wear." I nodded. He pecked my lips before letting me down. I smiled as he left the room.

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