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"Damn that dress is awesome." I commented on a dress Harper was holding. "Ya but I think we can find a better one don't you think?" I shrugged. It's her dress and her choice. At the end of the day she's gonna wear it. "Why did I go shopping with you when you don't give advices?" I rolled my eyes walking past her.

"I would have rather went with Jax and sorted out stuff than hearing you scolding about my company." She shook her head nolecantly. It was already the third time I cancelled. "No you're not. I told you it's best for you to stay away. I know you've been friends for decades but damn he could have stopped things before they went to far. But her didn't. Its not only his fault I Know. Take some time before you rush back to him and make things worse."

At second thought she was right. But I couldn't let things be like this. I need my friend. I don't think I want more than friendship with him. Scratch it with anyone. Although I could still try to get out of the awkward situation. Its neither his nor my fault. Both of us were drunk although I pretended to have drunk less. But maybe I should wait a few more days and talk to him with a clear mind.

"Bitch forget that boy. It's time for our girls time." I giggled before going back to our shopping session. "Fine I'm coming."


After what felt like an eternity we finished. I had bought one cute dress and a trench coat. While my friend here dug in and shopped for her whole life. But she's a model and that's typical. Always full of fashion sense. We jumped into a car on our way to a diner. It was later in the evening and we haven't eaten much today.

"I sure am getting that Tuna Sandwich." I scrunched my nose. "Go away with that stinky thing. Don't you dare come to me with your nasty fish breath." That's the most disgusting smell. Fish is just so ewwwee. "Damn woman chill your vegetarian ass. When have i done that?" I started laughing. No humor at all.

"Oh when have I done it?" I mimicked. Again laughing making her role her eyes. "Ok maybe once or twice." I cocked my head questioning her. She raised her hands in surrender. "Ok fine I always do that." I smiled smacking her arm. "But this time seriously I will chop you." We both fell into fists of laughter after paying for the food.

"But you should have seen that accountants face. So weirded out." I grinned again hitting her arm. "Hahha that poor man." We laughed again not able to control ourselves although the situation was not funny at all. "Ya the poor man who's your friend." My laughter died out a little as I met the mesmerizing pair of grey eyes.

"Oh my god. Are you Stephen King?" I practically face palmed myself at my friends fanatic reaction. "Ya and you must be Harper." She giggled squealing like a school girl who's crush just asked her out. I had to rub my temple to control my nerves and not slap this woman. "Thats sounded smooth." Her voice raised an octave higher. He let out a friendly laughter.

"Hello Stephen." I said shutting my stupid friends mouth. Who is just fan girling about some guy. No let me correct it. A fucking porn star. Let's leave out the fact that he's handsome but it was getting weird. "Harriet." He smiled nudging me as usual. "Stephen." I mimicked making him roll his eyes.

"Anyways what are you doing here?" I asked while my friend clutched to my arm. I turned to her giving her a little smile telling 'you're so stupid'. "Just came to get some stuff. Anyways you guys have anywhere to go?" Her asked. "Ye-." But I was interrupted. "No." I glared at Harper who grinned.

"Would you like to come and just hang out? It's pretty boring and my roommate and I could use some company. Also Harriet you promised me to meet again." Harper slightly clapped her hand while I raised an eyebrow at Stephen. "I never promised you anything."

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