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"Dad. I miss you." I pouted as I held my phone close to my ear. "I miss you to butterfly. How about you visit me soon? This old man is getting lonely without his butterfly." I giggled at my father's childish behaviour. "Soon dad. As soon I get the chance I'll be with you."

"Hope to see you soon butterfly. I live you." I could hear his voice crack making my cheat getting heavy. "Oh pa. I love you the most." He laughed before hanging up the phone. I held the phone close to my chest heaving a deep sigh. I really miss dad.

"Done?" A deep voice rang and I turned around to find Jax waiting for me. "Ya." I turned back to while the few tears that had filled my eyes and smiled at Jax. "Harriet. Are you okay?" I nod giving him a smile. "Sure?" He assures and I giggle. "Seriously I'm fine. Just talked to dad."

"God Jonathan. Had been a while since I talked to him. Next time he calls give me so we can start our roast battle again." I chuckled playfully hitting his arm. "Hey my poor papa." He rolled his eyes. "Don't act like I'm the one. He's just as bad."

We continued out brief conversation as we made our way to the first class of today. Jax and I took a seat in the middle bench. We watched as the teacher enter the class. "Good day students. There is an announcement." All took a seat as we watched the girl standing next to the teacher. She looked down shyly.

"So class this is your new class mate Jamie. I hope you'll welcome her whole hearted. Also I need a guide for this week who can help Jamie get comfortable. Any volunteers?" I looked at Jax and we both nodded. "Sir we wouldn't mind." I said as we both raised our hands.

The girl Jamie looked at me and gave me a little smile. I smiled back. "So then it's sorted. Jamie take a seat next to your 'guides' and good luck." She thanked the teacher shyly walking over to us taking a seat next to me. "I'm Harriet." I said extending my hand which she shook shyly.

"And I'm her best friend Jax." I giggled at Jax who shook the girls hand. She looked down shyly. "Girl calm down. No one's gonna bite you." I assured patting her shoulder. "Unless you want us to." Jax winked at me and I rolled my eyes. "Don't mind him. He's an idiot." She let out a laughter.

With the time the girl started opening up. We had some things in common. But they main difference was that she was taller than me and had the body of perfection. That's when my self confident falls. We walk out together. "So ya basically that's how..." I stopped when my eyes met his beautiful ones.

I gulp as blush creeps up my cheek as Stephen smirks at me. "Wait a sec." I told Jamie before sprinting over to Stephen. He pulled me into a tight hug. "How are you?" I asked and he smirked. "Now that I'm standing in front of you I guess bad." I playfully hit his chest. Ok so last time I practically threw him out but later that evening he texted me apologizing for something which isn't even his fault.

But then I told him that its personal and he accepted it. "Anyways why are you here?" I asked smiling back at Jamie who stood awkwardly. "To pick you up. Why else?" I focus on him. "You really didn't have to d-" he cuts me of by placing a finger on his lips. "Let me I'm your friend." I smiled at him before standing in my tip toes to kiss his cheek.

"Thank you Stephen." He grinns touching his cheek. "Anyways let's go." He said and I remembered that Jamie was still waiting. "Give me a sec. This new gurl I met is waiting. I'll just say bye." I run over to Jamie who waits patiently. "Her girl. I'm sorry."

She shook her head. "Anyways my friend came to pick me up so I gotta go." I say rubbing my fore head. "Its fine. I'll see you tomorrow." I pulled her into a little hug. "Bye Jamir." Before she could reply I was back with Stephen. I don't know why but I was kinda excited to be with him.

"Can we?" He asked and I nodded getting into his car. He smiled at me before getting in as well. "Someone is eager." He said eyeing me through the mirror. "Shut the fuck up and drive you stupid butt face." His eyes whidend before he narrows at me. But eventually he shrugged it of and started driving.

"You're dropping me home right?" I asked and he raised his eyebrow. "Ya unless you don't want me to." He winked making me roll my eyes. "Nah." He pouted and I slapped his arm playfully. He muttered something under his breath before focusing back on the road. Weird man.

After not longer than 10 minutes we stopped infront of my house. "Thanks a lot Stephen." I smiled at him while unbuckling my seatbelt. "No mention and..." He stopped running a hand through his hair slightly tugging at the roots.

"And...?" I asked slightly curious tilting my head towards him. "I don't how to ask? I've never done this shit before." He looked so nervous so I grabbed his hand rubbing it soothingly. "Tell me." He turned to me a glint of a smile in his eyes.

"Would you..like to go out with me?" I couldn't believe what I just heard. That was totally unexpected. Shit. I smiled to myself. It's worth a try. Maybe it really is. There are some things we need to clear out but I guess one date won't hurt. "I'd like to." He smiled brightly pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you. I won't disappoint you." I smiled at Stephen who was holding on to me. "I trust you." He smiled at me widely before helping out of the car. "Bye Harriet. I'll text you all the details." I smirked as I saw his smile reach from ear to ear. I rubbed his cheek before walking away.

It was still unbelievable. Stephen has just me to go on a date. It's so cringy and cliche. But I'm into that. I'm hopeless into romantic. I got into out apartment to find the tv running while Harper sat there along with Jax.

"Jax?" I questioned as I sat down next to him. "Ya." He smiled laying his arm around me. "Whatcha doin here?" He shrugged. "Am I not allowed to visit my best friend?" I smiled shaking my head. "Harper I need to talk to you!" I said getting up and standing infront of her.

"Sure." She said looking up at me. "With you only." She nodded getting up and Jax raised an eyebrow and I just gave him an assuring nod. As we walked into my bedroom Harper sat down and I just stood in front of her fidgeting with my fingers.

"Spit it." She said realising my nervousity. "I....God Its just unexpected." I said tugging at the hem of my shirt. "What is unexpected? Tell me before I die here." I giggled at her as she looked at me curious eyes. "You know I was in college and he picked me up."

She raised her eyebrow. "Who picked you up?" I closed my eyes. "Stephen." She was on her feet by now standing infront of me with crossed arms. "I kinda don't know if I'm gonna like what you're about to say." Shit. How will I now be able to tell her that. "He...He asked me to go on a date."

She was silent. God she's gonna lash out. I closed my eyes waiting for her to slap me. But instead she pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged her back letting out a sigh of relief. " God I'm happy for you." She said kissing my cheek and hugging me once again. Thank God.

"So you're not angry?" I asked as she looked at me as if I was crazy. "Why would I? Ok I know I've been a little harsh with him. But if he's going to take slow steps without rushing you into things I'll be happy."

I smiled at her kissing her cheek. "Thanks a lot love." She sighed. "Anyways when is it?" She asked and I shrugged. "He said he'd text me wait and see." she smiled once again caressing my cheek. "You deserve happiness."

I smiled at before we both walked back to Jax who seemed utterly bored. "God what took you so long?" He scoffed as I giggle sitting down next to him. "Awe poor little Jax." He rolled his eyes making me giggle. "Awe Jaxon you know we love you."

He smiled placing a kiss on my forehead. "And you also know I love you." I sighed hearing him emphasizing the word love. "Jax." I warned but he just smiled. "What I've already told you. It's a decision you should also make some day." I nodded before turning my head to Harper. She gave me a pity look but then nodded. God.

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