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After helping Sid with the settings both of the girls sat down on chairs next to Sid. Harriet a little farther. She was feeling pretty uneasy. It was her first time watching a porn live. She already shifted in her chair before the shoot had even started.

On the other hand Harper was excited and attentive. She focused on Stephen who was sitting on the bed leaning against the headboard. Linda was getting raady in the bathroomm.

It was neither Stephen's bedroom nor the one Harriet stayed in. It was an extra master bedroom which was specifically for shoots as Sid said. "Linda hurry up." Sid called out. "Yaya. Can one please come and help me with the dress."

Harriet agreed on going since she wanted to avoid Stephen's case. She was afraid how she'll feel for Stephen after this. Will she be disgusted or will things stay the same way? She sprinted into the bathroom where Linda was struggling tying up her dress.

"I hoped you'd come." Linda said as she faced Harriet through the mirror. Linda couldn't help but smile at Harriet's innocence. "Ya. I just wanted to escape and not face Stephen." Harriet confessed. Linda pushed her hair aside giving access for for Harriet to pull the corset tighter. Harriet was hesitant but thought everything was better than being out there.

"Hey girl calm down. I know it's weird. Don't do it for your friend do it for yourself. This one experience you should do. And once you watch this you'll find it hot." Harriet just sighed her head lowered a little. "See if you want you can back out anytime. But let me tell you this. You know I never wanted to end up being in this business. It is one sad story. You want to listen?"

Harriet nodded giving Linda her total attention. "So I was in a perfect family. My mother and my sister where such beautiful people. But one day my father who had never been a part of our lives came. He just destroyed out perfect little world. He wanted money. But we had no money to bid. He kept bothering us. It went until he got physical with my mother." She let out a sigh.

"We couldn't even go to the police since my father threatened to kill my little sister. His own fucking daughter. I still hate that pig. Then he had gotten a offer from a director. He would get a whole bunch of money if he gave them a woman."

"You." Harriet said sadly. "Yup. I wouldn't have done that if didn't threaten my little sisters life. Then I landed in this business. But after some time we went to the police. I wish I wasn't so weak to let him toy us around but I was. After he had gotten his money he left. Never came back again."

"Then I had lost my job. The only thing I had since my face was all over the internet. There was no other way for us. Our only source for money was this business. And I would not let my family into this shit. So to be able to give them a decent life I stayed. This is my 7th year."

Harriet had tears in her eyes feeling with Linda. It was sad faith for someone. No one deserved anything like that Harriet thought. "I'm so sorry. I'm incredibly sorry. And even if I don't know your father I hate him for doing this to you. I'm sure you would have had a good future." Linda just smiled. She had passed the face where she cried over her life.

She had become a strong woman who didn't give much attention to feelings. Her only weakness was her family. "Don't pity for me. It was faith. It was supposed to happen. And don't worry I'm past the whole shit. Now it's just about money. I want my family to stay happy."

"You've sacrificed so much. I really admire you." Linda just smiled shaking her head as she realized Harriet was crying. "Hey don't cry. Let's go back and then we'll change your mood" She winked making Harriet sigh. Harriet whipped her cheeks and slowly nodded. They both walked back.

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