Chapter 18

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I looked into Robin's hurt eyes and did the one thing I could think of: I sprinted for the door. But Robin was faster than me and blocked the door.

"Robin, let me out!" I pleaded.

Robin shook his head. "No. I'm going to call Brad and put him on speaker to find out what the hell you're doing."

"Robin, it's not a big deal..."

"I'm sure it isn't. But I'll just call to make sure," Robin replied before dialing Brad's number. He put him on speaker.

"Hey, Robin," Brad answered.

"Hey, Brad!" Robin said a bit too enthusiastically. "I'm here with Allison. We got your message."

"Oh, really?" Brad asked. "Well, I'm sure Allison can tell you herself. Can't you, Allison?"

"Brad, just stop," I sighed.

"Why are you and him... oh my God. Are you dating?" Robin shouted.

"NO!" Brad and I yelled at the same time.

"Oh, thank God." He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, Robin..." I said as I looked at him. "I received a letter in the mail from the Riddler."

Robin groaned. "Oh, come on."

"And I... I... I have to go see him tomorrow night," I told him.

Robin gaped at me. "Are you TRYING to get yourself kidnapped again? Do you like the feeling of being tied up? 'Cause if it's a bondage thing, we can recreate it in a SAFE environment."

"A... a bondage thing?" I was shocked.

"It is a real thing that some people have," Brad informed me. "But that's not why she has to see him. Allison, tell him."

"He... he said he'd... get himself killed if he... if I didn't show up..." I admitted.

Robin rolled his eyes. "Come on. It's clearly a trap."

"That's what I said," Brad butted in.

"Maybe, but I can't let someone die for me!" I yelled.

"He won't!" Robin shouted.

"He might!" I was furious. "And if he does, I won't ever forgive myself." I took a deep breath. "Or you."

Robin sighed as he face-palmed. "Allison, just... just don't go."

"You can't come with me," I said. "The Riddler stated that in his letter."

"SEE? He doesn't want you to have any good backup!"

"I am offended!" Brad playfully commented, but Robin didn't pay attention to him. Neither did I.

"I don't care! I have to go or he'll take his life!" I shouted.

"Ask Batman. He'll make the final decision," Robin told me.

I shook my head. "No. No way."

"Way." Robin smirked. "I'll go tell him myself."

"NO! Robin!" I yelled.

Robin chuckled. "Relax! Go tell him, and whatever he says goes. Okay?"

"Allison, just agree to it," Brad sighed.

"Why are you here, Brad?" I shouted, my anger directed towards him.

"Jeez!" was his response.

"Get off the phone. This doesn't affect you. Stop butting into our conversation!" I exclaimed before hanging up from Robin's phone.

"You're lucky Brad's smart, or you would've gotten him killed," Robin said in a low voice. "You don't mess with my friends EVER AGAIN, do you understand? I swear to God, if you weren't a beautiful girl, I'd punch you in the face."

"Work on your anger management." I crossed my arms as I started to walk away.

"Go tell Batman! I'm sure he'll be happy to know!" Robin yelled, purposefully at a volume that Batman would hear.

"Ugh," I groaned before walking downstairs to Batman.

"Tell me what?" Batman asked firmly.

"Ok so the Riddler gave me a letter saying I needed to see him tomorrow night and if I don't he said he'd kill himself and I can bring anyone except you or Robin and I know it sounds like a trap but if he kills himself because of me I won't be able to live with myself and I won't forgive you or Robin or anyone and..." I stopped for a breath before continuing. "I need to go because I don't want him to kill himself and I'm worried about him and I know you're going to say I can't go but I feel like I have to and I need you to give me permission except I don't know why I'm asking your permission because I can't even..."

"Sh," Batman said as he put a hand on my shoulder. "Allison, you don't need to worry about the Riddler."

I looked up at him. "So... I can go?"

"No," Batman told me. He put a hand up. "But, we will make sure the Riddler doesn't kill himself."

"How?" I asked, my brown eyes full of sadness.

"We'll put him back in Arkham before tomorrow. Wait a second... aren't you leaving tomorrow?"

"OH MY..." I started to yell, but he quickly put a hand over my mouth. "Wait... I can't... no..." I started crying for real right then and there.

"Allison," Batman firmly spoke my name. I looked up at him. "I know your vacation has been cut short. And I know it hasn't exactly been the vacation you were hoping for. But look in the mirror." He turned me around to face a nearby mirror. "You're beautiful. But do you see those scars... and those punch marks? That's what the Riddler did to you."

I breathed in slowly as he asked, "do you really want to see him again?"

I looked up at Batman. "If it will keep him from killing himself, then yes. Absolutely."

"Then you can go," Batman explained. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped open. "But Robin and I will be there before you meet. We'll be hiding somewhere, and if he tries anything, we'll attack him. Do not let your guard down, Allison, not even for one minute."

"Why are you letting me go?" I questioned.

Batman sighed. "If it's what you want, then you can go."

"What about my flight?" I asked. "My mom probably just got tickets."

"She actually couldn't find tickets for tomorrow," Alfred said as he walked in. "So you're leaving on Saturday at 5:00."

"What is it with people butting into other people's conversations?" I muttered, hoping nobody would hear me.

"HEY! Allison!" Batman shouted, scaring me out of my thoughts. "You don't EVER talk to or about Alfred like that, do you understand me?"

"What happened?" Alfred wanted to know.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "Look, it doesn't matter." I turned back to Batman. "So, it's settled? I'm going?"

"You're going," Batman responded. I couldn't hold it in anymore and jumped up to hug him. He put an arm around me awkwardly before patting my back and letting me go.

"Thanks, Batman," I said before heading back to my room for bed.

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