Chap 2

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Brittany's POV (Two Days Later)

I was sitting in the Talon on the couch reading my book as Clark walked in. "Hey," I said.

"Brittany," said Clark. "Did you hear that Alexis was attacked last night with my mom at the LuthorCorp party is Metropolis?"

"Uhm, no," I said.

"Yeah, and I met Oliver Queen last night too," said Clark. Oliver and Alexis walked in. "And here is Metropolis' star-couple now."

"Hey," said Alexis as she sat down next to me.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine," said Alexis. "But look." She handed me the newspaper from the Inquisitor. "Just read it."

"The Green Arrow Bandit," I said. "Doesn't really roll of the tongue."

"This guy steals Mrs. Kent's necklace and then gasses Lois and Chloe all within a twenty four hour period," said Oliver.

"Well, when you're Lois' editor, she'll remember to care what you think," I said.

"You know that whole sugar and space thing?" asked Oliver. "Are you just sugar?"

"No, that's Alexis," I said as I put the paper down.

"Don't tell me your some kind of bleeding heart pacifist?" asked Alexis.

"And that's worse than a knee jerk fascist?" asked Oliver. "All right, let's all forget about this guy for the week." I sighed. "I can have the four of us in Cancun in time for the sunset tonight and doing what you wanna do. What do you say?"

"I think you had a little more than martinis in your drink," said Alexis.

"You guys had lunch?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's why I cancelled lunch with you and Chloe," said Alexis. "But it was a good three martini lunch."

"Four," said Oliver pointing at his shirt and smiling. "If you include the one that you spilled down my shirt."

"We'll finish the conversation when we get back to your place," said Alexis. "We'll see you guys later."

"Bye," I said.

"And you, be careful, Clark," said Alexis.

"Always am," said Clark as they left.

"Does she know?" I asked. "About you, Bart, Victor, and AC?"

"She only knows about me," said Clark.

"Does she know about Oliver?" I asked.

"How'd you know that?" asked Clark.

"It's not that hard to connect the dots," I said. "If she doesn't know I can take a drive down to Metropolis and tell her." I smiled. "She has a right to know."

"I gotta take care of something really quickly," said Clark.

"I'm going to see Alexis," I said. Clark looked at me. "Go." Clark left as I got into my car. I drove the two hours to Alexis' place and knocked. "Come on."

Alexis opened the door. "Hey," said Alexis.

"Hi," I said as Alexis let me in. I followed her to her room and she was packing. "Working on a case?"

"Actually I'm going on a vacation," said Alexis. "With Oliver to Monte Carlo."

"Vacation? No, no. Palm Springs is a vacation," I said. "Monte Carlo is a fairy tale." She smiled. "But that's not what I'm here to talk about." I followed Alexis who carried her suitcases down to the living room. "Please?"

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