Chap 12

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Alexis' POV

"Hey, so your just going to leave us here?" I asked. Carter didn't come back. "I guess so." Oliver and I jumped rooftop to rooftop until we got to the museum. We sat Carter. "Hello."

"I'm thinking we should regroup before we go after Icicle Junior," said Oluver.

"You go back to Sherwood, Robin Hood," said Carter. "I'll turn the Icicle into slush myself. You and your girlfriend shoudl just go."

"It's not what happened to you that destroyed this team, is it? It's what happened to her," said Oliver. "Right? Hawkgirl? Who was she, your parter?"

"My wife," said Carter.

"You were married?" asked Oliver.

"Hard to believe? What would someone like me know about love?" asked Carter. "Well, I only know it ends. And it always ends in everyone of my lives, past and present."

"Past lives?" asked Oliver.

"I've heard this story. Shayera and Carter were born over a thousand years ago. They were cursed by one of their enemies," I said. "Destined to fall in love, only to wacth each other to die, lifetime after lifetime. Well, the sooner this life is over, the soooner he gets to see his wife again."

"I've never had a connection like that until I met you," said Oliver.

"Because you hide it," said Carter.

"Hide what?" asked Oliver.

"You didn't want anyone to know how important they are to you," said Carter. "So you act like a jackass."

"I do know what it's like to feel like the only thing to do with your life is throw it away," said Oliver. "But you didn't, did you? You stuck around for Dr. Fate."

"He needed my help," said Carter.

"He did," said Oliver. "He needed your help."

"Now there's a young girl out there, she's counting on you," I said. "Your team is out there. So why don't you take the death wish and shelf it?"

Oliver picked up Carter's mace and handed it to him. "Thing's heavier than it looks," said Oliver.

"You get used to it," said Carter as he grabbed it. "Let's go." We were in the sky, carried by Carter. He threw is into Watch Tower.

I landed on my feet and looked at Oliver. "You really gotta work on your handings," I said.

"Would've been smoother if you handed thrown up," said Carter.

"Send me your dry cleaning bill," said Oliver.

"Send me your dinner bill," said Carter.

Courtney and Clark walked in. "How's John?" asked Brittany.

"There's not much more they can do for him," said Clark.

"Then I guess we'll just have to wait," said Brittany.

"No more waiting. No more pairing off," said Carter. "We should've stuck together from the beginning."

"He's right," I said.

Third Person POV

The room got really cold and Brittany was gasping for air. Blue light was coming from Icicle going towards Brittany. "Your fate is in my hands," said Icicle. "Or I guess I should say, it's on my head."

Oliver started moving. Icicle let Brittany go. Courtney and Alexis ran over to Brittany. Clark, used his head vision, Oliver shot his arrow, Courtney used her staff, and Carter hit Icicle with his mace. Icicle used an ice black and they all flew ten feet back.

Alexis saw Oliver get up. "Alexis," said Oliver. He ran over to me and helped me up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," said Alexis. "I'll be fine."

We saw Detective Jones there. "I killed you," said Icicle.

"I'm Mars' sole surviver," said John. "There's a reason for that."

Clark used heat vision on him again. Courtney grabbed her staff and hit Icicle with it. Carter hit off the mask. "No!" yelled Icicle. Carter caught the mask and we all surrounded Icicle.

"I'm sorry about your friend," said Alexis.

"So am I," said Carter. Carter left and Clark followed him.

"I think we've all had quite a night," said Brittany. "RECON at ten. Good night."

"Good night," said Alexis.

Oliver's POV

"Okay," I said. Brittany was about to turn off the light. "No, it's okay. I'm going to squeeze in some target practice before going home."

"Okay," said Brittany. "Just turn off the lights when you get done."

"Have you forgotten who pays the bills?" I asked.

"No," said Brittany. "But thank for for all this equip and this place."

"Don't thank me," I said. "Thank Alexis. She convinced me."

"Are you sure?" asked Brittany. "Or did you say yes because she's your girlfriend."

"Good night Brittany," I said as she left. I started shooting arrows at a targer. Alexis jumped when the arrow his the target. "Sorry."

"Slow night?" asked Alexis.

"Figured I'd squeeze in some target practice," I said. "And a single malt."

"Did you bring enough for the rest of the class?" Alexis asked.

"Yeah, help yourself, professor," I said. "Running a little light on allegory tonight. Bumpy day?"

"Not the smoothest," said Alexis sitting on the couch behind me. "Someone asked me when the last time I had a good time was and I didn't have an answer."

I looked at her. "I don't think and one can fault you for being on edge, Alexis," I said. She took a sip of the malt. I looked back at the target. "I mean, hell, if anyone can relate, it's me. I get it."

"Yeah, you can," said Alexis.

"You know, sometimes you gotta take your fun where you can get it," I said as I shot another arrow. "And sometimes it's right in front of your face." I looked at Alexis again. "You just have to wanna see it." Alexis smiled. "Come on."

"Archery is not my thing," said Alexis.

"Just give it a try," I said.

"Okay," said Alexis. She walked up to me and I positioned her hands on the bow and pulled the arrow back. "How do I know when to ket go?"

"It's all about your heart," I said as I put my fingers around hers. "Just listen, right there in between the beats. That's when you let go." She let go and it hit the middle of the target. "Bulls eye. See, you did it."

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