2: The Notes.

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At first it was silent

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At first it was silent. No one dared say a word under the sight of the bishops. That was when the bishops started searching people. As soon as cold hands touched her arms Bethany was jealous of the new people who ate separately in their own rooms. She'd never been touched by a bishop before. A few people did seem used to the chill that coursed all the way to their bones after the touch of a bishops hands.

Bethany took a mental note of those people. Tyler didn't react, neither did Jenna. The guy next to the two didn't react either. He had watched the smearing too.

Bethany was terrified that they were going to find out that she knew more about the Banitos, but she kept her eye on the wall in front of her as she was checked and the bishop passed on by. She was sent out to a separate room, Tyler, Jenna and their friend being sent there to. Two knocks were heard on the door and after a couple of minutes Bethany moved to retrieve the note. She returned to her seat and read it quietly to herself.

Next were three knocks, which Tyler and Jenna's friend responded to. Then it was five, Jenna's apparent number. Then eight, Tyler collecting his note after eight long, silent minutes.

"Tyler Robert Joseph,
After your recent attempt to escape we have set you up with one of our more trusted members of Dema.
You and Jenna Elizabeth Black shall now be permitted to spend each moment together so Jenna can keep track of you to stop this from happening anytime in the future. " Tyler read his not aloud.

"Jenna Elizabeht Black,
As we trust you greatly we have set you up with former escapee Tyler Robert Joseph.
We rely on you to keep an eye on him, and spend more time with him.
We expect weekly reports.
You will be residing under Nico for the future, but any orders from Sacarver will be deemed more important." Jenna was the next to read. Bethany stopped herself from chuckling at the bishop's stupidity. How had they not realised that whatever this paring this was, it was something Jenna and Tyler wanted?

"Joshua William Dun.
After you recent doubts to Dema and close call to a judgement of smearing, we have decided to pair you up with one of our most trusted members of Dema.
Bethany Johannes has been here for 20 years and never once doubted us.
You two shall be paired up as she will teach you the ways of Dema." The new guy, Joshua, read. He stumbled over a few words, but he managed to read the entire note.

Bethany looked at the group, who were looking at her expectantly. Tyler's eyes held some form of surprise too. She sighed before reading her note, which held a different tone to the rest.

"Bethany Johannes,
As a thank you for everything you have done to serve Dema for the past 20 years, we have rewarded you with a special task;
You will now be permitted to caring for those who have wronged Dema.
We trust that you will not be affected by any of their scandals.
Listo has had all good things to say about you from voluntary cleansing to finding conversations between escapists and reporting them right back to Dema.
You seem to have a deeper trust for us than anyone else, and if you successfully convert Joshua William Dun back to the beliefs of Dema we will rewards you with a criminal who has committed something worse, such as escape attempts.
We hope that Listo had told nothing but truth as you will from now on constantly move from bishop to bishop in order to receive your rewards."

Bethany tore her eyes from her note and noticed how Tyler and Joshua now seemed distrusting of Bethany. She looked to Jenna, who only seemed curious before whispering lowly.

"Did you check the drawers in your room, Tyler?" The sentence seemed to surprise the brunet. Clearly, she had found the right guy; She had found her Bandito.

"You left the flowers." He answered, shock filling his features. His words made Jenna smile but Joshua still seemed uneasy.

"How much does he know? About it all?" Bethany asked, motioning discreetly at Joshua. If he knew a lot she would need a long conversation with him.

"As much as the rest. Everyone is going to freak out when they know you have joined us-"

"Who said I'd done that? I'm just curious. If your reasons as to why you want to leave are valid I'll join.. If not.. As an appreciation of you trusting me I will get myself smeared so you can still get out. Deal?" She looked around the group.

"Deal." All three replied. Jenna smiled slightly, taking in Bethany's features.

"He goes by Josh, by the way." Jenna then told Bethany.

"You use nicknames?" Bethany asked with wide eyes. She couldn't remember the last time she'd heard one.

"Yeah. The bishops don't realise we're talking about each other if we use them. It's almost as if they can't hear them." Tyler replied.

"Beth." Josh then stated, making Bethany look away from the couple and set her gaze upon him instead.

"My name is Bethany.." She trailed off, then realising that he had deliberately chopped off the end of her name. "Beth." She then repeated to herself quietly.

"When talking about each other I'm Ty, and she's-"

"Jen." Bethany cut him off confidently. Tyler and Jenna smiled and nodded. They had recruited new Banditos before, but not many grasped the concept of nicknames as fast as Bethany. It was almost as if Bethany was over excited about the Banditos, then again she had heard about them all her life and was now sat face to face with them.

"She's catching on quick, Josh. Enjoy your time with her." Ty chuckled slightly. Bethany was constantly surprised. A chuckle? She had forgotten what that sounded like.

"I'm sorry.. by the way.. If I can't help you.." Bethany trailed off.

"It's okay. You've known this almost your whole life." Josh reassured her, so she nodded.

"It's time to leave now. I'll see you around." Bethany told the three before getting out of her chair and leaving the room. She didn't really know how she knew that it was time to leave, she just did. It was probably the bishops playing their mind games.

She now had friends. She had spoken to people who weren't bishops and found that there should be more out there than what she had ever heard of or known.

Joshua, Tyler and Jenna were going to be an adventure; She knew that for certain. She just hoped that it would be good, and that whatever place was beyond the high walls of Dema would be beautiful and free. She'd never felt free before.

Tyler was the former escapee though. She didn't really know how to feel about that. She didn't know what to think of herself when she caught herself thinking about escaping herself. It confused her and she didn't know what she wanted. It was scaring her, but she tried to be brave through it all.

She grabbed a black notebook and started writing on the first page. With slightly shaky hands she wrote across the top, titling the page.

"Phase One: Josh Dun."

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