4: The Plan for Tests.

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Bethany met Jenna in the bathroom early one morning

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Bethany met Jenna in the bathroom early one morning. The bathroom seemed to be a safe space to talk freely. They hand't realised that until they were sat there together. The two often conversed about the Banditos plans and smearings.

"I don't really know, how it works. I think it's because I love Ty, but I don't know." Jenna sighed.

"Well, I know how to test it.." Bethany mumbled. If she offered to be a test subject for Jenna's skills she could lose everything with the bishops. They would never trust her again. She had to make the choice in that moment whether or not she wanted to be a trusted member of Dema.

"How?" Jenna asked with a slight smile.

"I-I.." Bethany paused to sigh. "I will try to escape and get myself smeared." Beth told Jenna, her voice sounding more confident than she thought she was. It surprised her to hear the words actually leave her mouth.

The room was silent. Neither of the girls spoke. They let the words sink in for a while without letting on what they thought. The words created a loud silence, and it said a lot about them. Bethany was realising that, only a few weeks after encountering the blonde, she was willing to risk her all for her. Jenna was letting that fact settle in her brain.

"I won't ask you to do that." Jenna answered, giving Bethany a chance to back out. Beth didn't take it though.

"That's why it wasn't a question." Beth stated. "You have to meet me after the smearing, bring something yellow in case it doesn't work."

Of the Banditos she'd met, Beth trusted Jenna the most of all. She felt a connection to Jenna and found herself talking to Jenna the most. Maybe it was because Jenna was the first to help wake her up, maybe it was just an unknown force pulling them together.

"No! Beth, are you sure?" Jenna asked, worrying about the girl and her certainty. All of her doubt seemed to have been shaken off, she was like a new person.

"Yeah. I'm sure." Beth told both Jenna and herself. "I'm sure."

Jenna and Beth were both silent for a while. Jenna was surprised and complimented by Beth's suggestion and Beth was questioning herself. Why was she so sure that running would be the right thing? She didn't really know why she felt the way she did, but it was better than feeling nothing.

"You know they won't let you see Josh for a while, right?" Jenna told Beth. The brunette nodded in response, she'd heard about so many escape attempts and knew what she was going to get herself into. She knew the consequences.

"I know, but I know that I have to do this. Maybe it'll make me trust the bandits more.. But if it doesn't work.. Just know you are the first and best friend I've had. You have changed my life, no matter if we escape or not." Beth quickly drew Jenna into a hug, which greatly surprised the blonde. Jenna hugged back tightly and felt as her shoulder started feeling wet. She didn't judge Beth for crying, though, as she was crying too.

"When are you going to leave?" Jenna whispered.

"I need to talk to Ty first, but I'm thinking before dinner." Beth answered with a tone as hushed as Jenna's.

"Okay.. You should go talk to him." Jen let go of her friend and they both wiped their eyes. Beth nodded a little as she looked at Jenna before leaving the bathrooms.

Her footsteps echoed in her brain, as they didn't actually echo through the halls. She walked as quickly as she could, and soon found the backdoor. She left through it and walked over to Nico's section. They'd deemed Tyler as fine again, so Jenna was moved back to Sacarver. They'd deemed Josh fine too, and made Beth watch Jenna just to be sure. Both girls had been staying in Sacarver's section, and Bethany had been patrolling and cleaning rooms there a lot. When she wasn't with Jenna she was always working to stop Banditos.

That was going to stop.

She knew each section well, and quickly dashed for the stairs. Tyler's room was a couple of floors up, the further up he was the harder it was to escape. It also meant it was harder for Beth to get there quickly without being caught, but she did it.

She knocked on his door five times, and within seconds he was there. They'd all agreed to knock the amount of times as the bishop they resided under would, and since Beth was with Jenna at Sacarver, she had to knock five times.

"Beth?" Tyler questioned before ushering her into his room.

"I'm running. Tonight. I need advice." Beth told Ty. She didn't hesitate to say the words and each time she let them out of her she was more certain that she wanted to run.

"What? Are you insane?!" Tyler whisper-yelled.

"Maybe, but I need to do this. We're gonna find out if Jen can remove my smear." Beth explained to Tyler. "Just tell me where the exit is."

"Underground. There's a tunnel. Go from here towards Reisdro and you should see it. You need to go back to Sacarver now before we're caught." Ty told Beth as quickly as he could.

"Thank you." Beth nodded a little. She then turned to the door.

Then she stopped. She could not just walk out if things were to go wrong. She turned back to Tyler and hugged him too. He took longer to hug back than Jenna did, but either way he wrapped his arms around Beth. They didn't say anything for a while as they just hugged.

"I'll miss you if this goes wrong, Ty."

"I'll miss you too." Tyler answered before Beth stepped back. Tyler nodded at her in a kind of encouraging way, and Beth copied. Then she walked out of his room and hurried back to Sacarver.

Unlike Tyler, Beth didn't know if she needed to bring anything. If she did, she didn't know what she would bring. She packed some clothes in a small bag, but unpacked again. The plan wasn't to actually escape.

She watched the clock longingly as she waited for it to creep up to dinnertime. It felt like time was going to slowly.

It did give Bethany enough time to think, which she desperately needed. She had never thought about escaping until she met Tyler, Jenna and Josh. She wondered who else were Banditos, but she wouldn't know until the entire escape plan was in place. Part of the plan was constructed but it would be safer if Jenna could remove all smears. It was going to be a night to remember, so Beth prayed that she wouldn't forget it.

She wasn't fully sure if she wanted to be on the Banditos side, but she knew that she didn't want to stay. Maybe her heart was with the Banditos, but her rationally thinking mind wasn't made. She just wanted her emotions to hide for a while so she could figure out what her brain thought, but if she hid them she knew they were hiding with the Banditos.

Maybe she had to put her mind behind her, since the bishops had messed it up. Maybe she had to hide herself with the Banditos for a while to even make up her mind. Either way, she had no more time to ponder about that, no matter how great it was.

The clock had ticked its rounds and it was time for dinner.

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