5: The Runaway.

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Her eyes were blank again as she walked towards the cafeteria, she was back to Bethany Johannes. She wasn't Beth. She let her legs walk the familiar path to the cafeteria, as she basically had a map of the place laid out in her brain. 

One turn before the right one she broke the path and broke out into a sprint. She ran towards the exit, an surprisingly no one noticed. Her legs carried her as fast as they could, her heart was pounding in her chest. The map in her mind became smaller as the door before her seemed to grow. Thoughts of all the things she could lose were swarming her brain. She could just turn around and go back. 

But she didn't. 

She opened the door as quickly, yet quietly, as she could and sprinted out into the open. Her feet seemed to move on autopilot, yet she didn't really know where she was going. Then she remembered Tyler's instructions; Nico. 

She had to get to Nico's section and go down to their basement, from there she had to go towards the most powerful bishop, yet she didn't know the power he held. She'd never even seen Reisdro up close, but the rest of the place was like the back of her hand. She knew each inch of the city she was going to leave. It was terrifying, but she was going through with it anyway. 

She opened the door in to the Nico building, and moved towards the stairwell before she noticed nine shadows lurking with her own. Thank everything for the light over the door because she wouldn't have seen the shadows of the bishops if it wasn't there. 

She turned around and backed up a little. She felt the thud of her back hitting the cold wall and stared at the bishops. She wasn't going to give up just like that.

Her plan to fight was failing, a cold hand reached out towards her and she felt the pull to lean into it. That's when some yellow flower petals came from the stairs above her. She looked up and saw Tyler. He held a few of his wilted flowers and threw petals. He seemed to be really high up. Beth noticed as he held a roll of tape. There was yellow tape on his shoulders and he dropped it down to Beth. She copied him and, as petals fell from Tyler's hands, she plastered the tape on her shoulders. 

Footsteps raced down the stairs and soon Tyler was coming through the confused bishops. He grabbed Beth's wrist and looked her dead in the eyes. 

"Come. Make sure you stay with me." He instructed before he started running. Beth stumbled a little before running as stably as Tyler. The two ran down staircase after staircase. Eventually they reached a dark hall at the bottom of the stairs. Tyler reached into the bag on his back and grabbed a light. It was some sort of battery-powered lightbulb, but it was better than nothing. 

Beth stopped to catch her breath a little. 

"Take a breather, you don't need to run anymore. Just stay with me." Tyler told her, his hand letting go of her wrist for the first time since they left the bishops. Beth nodded and felt as her eyes watered. 

"I'm not sure if this is right.." She admitted. 

"Just.. Stay with me on this one, Beth. You'll be sure." He told her, before giving her a hug. The hug lasted longer than it should've, but neither of them cared. They both needed the reassurance that lay in the hug. 

"We should get going before they catch up." Beth stepped away from Tyler. He nodded and grabbed her wrist before he started leading her through the dark halls. 

Beth didn't know why Tyler was with her. She didn't know why he'd decided to risk it all again to go with her, but she was happy to have the company. She felt truly cared for, and somehow Tyler being there was making her worry less about leaving. 

The situation upstairs was different. The bishops had all abruptly left the cafeteria to go catch Beth, so all the people eating were confused, all but the Banditos. 

Tyler had told Jenna that he was going with Beth. Jenna didn't really know how to feel about that, because as many times as Tyler had tried to escape, she'd never been allowed to go with him. She then, obviously, explained the situation to Josh. 

"Do you think they'll make it out?" Jenna asked Josh. As soon as he bishops had left the room they hurried to the bathrooms. 

"Yeah.. They will. Ty planned a lot and Beth.. She is uncertain about who she is, but she's curious. I think she's gonna doubt herself a lot but she'll go with him." Josh answered. He looked at Jenna and smiled slightly, making her smile. 

"I just wish I could go with him some time." Jenna admitted, looking to the floor. Her feet dangled as they were sat on the sinks, and it caught her attention slightly. 

"Jen, do you know why he doesn't want to bring you?" Josh asked Jenna, making her eyes dart back to Josh. He was surprised she didn't get a whiplash from the speed she turned her head. 

"No! Why?" She replied too excitedly. She needed an answer. 

"You're too important to him. He doesn't want to take any risks that could make him lose you. What would happen if both of you got smeared? How would he wake back up? He wouldn't. What if you got hurt? What if they never let him see you again? He doesn't want to put you in any danger. He wants to protect you at all costs. He's only gonna let you leave if he knows you won't get caught." Josh explained. He had told Tyler that he wouldn't tell Jenna, but there he was tattling. 

"He really feels that way?" Jenna asked with wide eyes. 

"He does." Josh answered. "But I didn't tell you that, okay?" 

Jenna laughed at that. Josh wasn't the best at keeping secrets if they helped people. He was such a good guy and he knew when trust could be broken. The times Josh broke people's trust made the trust break like a tiny twig falling from a giant tree. It barely affected the relationships at all. 

The bishops returned, they could hear that. They didn't hear protesting, which either meant that they'd already smeared Ty and Beth, or the two had escaped. 

"Shall we go see the results of their escape?" Josh asked Jenna, hoping off the sinks and offering her a hand. She took a deep breath before taking Josh's hand. She jumped off the sink and her feet landed with small thuds. She looked at Josh and sighed. 

"I guess we have to, but I don't know which result I want." Jenna admitted. 

"I don't think any of us know what results we want." Josh agreed. He gave Jenna's hand a reassuring squeeze before the two stepped out into the hall. 

With light yet heavy steps they approached the cafeteria door. 

"You go first." Jenna offered. Josh nodded and walked in. A minute later Jenna pushed the heavy door open. 

Then she stepped in and let her eyes scan the room. 

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