Chapter 3 Talks

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Blaine's pov:

We walk back to the dorm. "You think Rachel's hot I'm guessing." Sebastian says. "Please everybody that reads the show choir blogs knows that Rachel is dating finn Hudson. It doesn't matter if I think she's hot. She won't leave him." I say. "Yeah I don't read those. I'm in the warblers for fun not because I love it." He says. "You think Santana is hot so what's the difference if I think Rachel is?" I say with an attitude. "Santana is single and Rachel isn't." He says. I smirk. "Whatever Sebastian. We should probably invite them out tomorrow night. Or would it be to soon?" I say. "Do it. They might say yes." He says. I text Rachel.

Me: hey, I know it's really soon but me and Sebastian were wondering if you and Santana wanted to go to dinner tomorrow night?

It took Rachel five minutes to reply.

Rachel: Yeah sure we would love to.

Me: great see you tomorrow night.

Rachel: Bye.

Sebastian looks at me. "Well?" He asks. "They said yeah." I say. "Great are we picking them up?" He says. "Crap I forgot to ask." I say. "Call her and ask." He says. "Fine fine." I say. I call Rachel. After one ring she answers. "Hello." She answers. "Hey Rachel." I say. "What's up?" She asks. "Are me and Sebastian picking you and Santana up tomorrow?" I ask. She sighs. "If you must." She says and laughs. I laugh too. Before we know it we were up all night talking and laughing. At like 1:00 in the morning Sebastian threw a pillow at my head. "Ow!" "What happened?" She asks. "Sebastian threw a pillow at my head." I say. She laughs. "I have to go." I say. "Okay night. See you tomorrow." She says. "Night." I say. I couldn't fall asleep I thought about Rachel and tomorrow night. I turn on my side and close my eyes. I fall asleep with a huge smile on my face.

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