Chapter 8: the comfort process

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Sebastian's pov:

Rachel was to fast for all of us. When we were outside we didn't see her. I look over at Blaine and Santana who looked so worried about Rachel.

"Guys don't worry, we will find her." I say to them. I turn to me and nod. Santana points to a car. There was a person walking towards it. The car was Rachel's. The person was Rachel. We all run to her but Santana runs super fast. I could see them from a short distance hugging each other. I could already tell Rachel was crying. Me and Blaine finally reach them. Rachel's eyes were red and puffy. She was definitely crying. Since Santana was taller then Rachel Rachel's head was buried in Santana's shoulder. I could hear a muffle cry.

"Okay we are gonna march over to Finns house right now and I'm gonna go all Lima heights on his ass and same with Quinn. Call Kurt and tell him we are coming over." Santana says.

"Who's Kurt?" Blaine asks. Rachel tried to talk but it was muffled.

"Her other best friend." Santana says speaking for Rachel. Me and Blaine nodded. Rachel pulls away Santana.

"Santana please don't beat them up." Rachel says.

"Why?" Santana asks. She sounded pretty disappointed.

"I want to do it." Rachel says. All of our mouths drop open. Rachel looked confused.

Santana claps and me and Blaine just turn to her and look at her like she was crazy.

"I'm proud of you! I will let you do it. How about at school? So we can embarrass him! Also Quinn!" Santana says.

"Okay well instead of being sad Rachel. I'm gonna take you somewhere fun." Blaine says.

"Where?" Rachel asks.

Blaine looks at me and Santana and we knew what he wanted to do.

"Come on." I say.

We get in the car and Blaine and Rachel sit in the front.

"Where are we going?" Rachel asks.

"A place." Santana says.

"Thanks Santana that helps." Rachel says. I could tell she was crossing her arms.

I could see Rachel looking at her phone and she turns it off in frustration and sadness. I didn't know what it was but obviously Blaine did.

"Don't worry Rachel. After today your gonna forget about that jerk." Blaine says.

She turns to him and smiles. Me and Santana look at each other. We knew what each other was thinking. We were going to have to get Blaine to work up the courage to ask Rachel out. Blaine parks the car and Rachel looks out the window. She smiles and squeals.

She gets out of the car and so does Santana. They jump around like little girls. Me and Blaine see them doing this while getting out of the car. We laugh. The girls turn to us and give us a murderous glare. Me and Blaine walk back putting our hands up in surrender. They laugh and take our hands and drag us to the gate.

Blaine pays for the tickets and Rachel hugs him. At first he was shocked but then he hugs her back and you could see a smile on his face.

They both pull away and she grabs his hand and takes him to a roller coaster while Santana does the same to me. Rachel and Santana get in the front of the roller coaster and me and Blaine get behind them.

The roller coaster was about to start and the girls looked happy as can be. It was definitely gonna help Rachel get over Finn. The ride starts and it had super big drops. The girls were screaming and had their hands up in the air. Blaine and I were laughing.

When the ride finished the girls were so dizzy yet happy. We went on so many rides and Blaine played games and won stuff for Rachel. It got dark so we dropped them off at home. Santana was staying at Rachel's again.

We waved bye to them and drove off.

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