Chapter 17 Christmas Day, christmas dance

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Rachel's pov:
"SANTANA WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP ITS CHRISTMAS!" I yell jumping up and down on her bed. She groans and tries to get me to leave her alone. Well what do you know one minute I'm up in the air all happy and the next minute I'm on the floor with a pillow on top of me. Thank god for her pile of clothes in the hamper.

"OWW jeez somebody's not very Christmassy." I say.

"I'm not a morning person, not even on Christmas." She says.

"Well then somebody isn't getting my famous hot chocolate."

She gasps and pops up. "The one with the little marshmallows and candy cane hanging over it?"

"That's the one."

"Gimme gimme gimme." She says moving her fingers like a little kid with a toy. I laugh and give her the hot chocolate and grab my cup and sit on the edge of the bed.

"Rachel? What's up? It's Christmas and you look down." She says.

"I'm fine just tired." I say yawning.

"If you need to go back to sleep you can." She says with concern. "Rach, you haven't gotten sleep in days."

"We haven't had a sleepover in like a week." I say confused.

"I see it in your eyes and they way you talk and move. Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I don't know I just get restless and I toss and turn and then I get hot and cold. At first I thought it was just my room but now it's everywhere I sleep."

"Is that why you fell asleep on Blaine's shoulder the other day?"

"Partly, and becomes I was comfortable and he was warm and I was cold."

"Oh rachel I have taught you well." We laugh. We finish our hot chocolate and talk for a little bit more. Then it turns 12.

"San?" I ask.

She looks up from her phone. "Yeah? Sorry I was texting people saying merry Christmas."

"It's fine. Should we start getting ready and head over to breadstix?" I ask.

"We can. We will need a while to get ready." She says. "Bathroom here or across the hall?"

"Hall." I say. I grab a towel and walk down to the bathroom. I grabbed a giant over shirt so I could wear while I'm getting ready. I jump in the shower and do everything I need to do.

When I get out I put on my shirt and santana was out of the shower so I went in the room and bathroom.

"Rach what should I do with my hair?" She asks.

"Well what are you wearing?" I ask. She shows me a girly short Santa outfit.

"Okay yeah definitely curl it." I say. She nods. "What about me?"

"Hmm maybe like a side ponytail and then your bangs just in front." She answers putting my hair the way she's trying to show me. I nod and get my hair and make up done. Once we are both done getting ready I put on my green dress and we leave.

We met the boys at breadstix and ate until we couldn't eat anymore. Blaine drove this time instead of Sebastian and we got out of the car once we parked.

"Okay if we haven't mentioned this before we are mentioning it now, you both look like-" Sebastian says and stops as if he was searching for the right word.

"Christmas Angels." Blaine says helping out Sebastian. Santana and I giggle.

"You have mentioned it before but just not that word." I say.

"Well we should have." Blaine says.

"After you." Sebastian says holding the doors open to the dance. We say thank you and see beautiful Christmas decorations. We walked outside onto the patio and found more decorations and the dance band. The snow was falling and the trees were covered in snow. It was a breath taking sight.

"Everything looks amazing." Santana says.

"If you didn't notice San there is a Santa chair inside." I say.

"Well I'm not playing Santa for anybody tonight. I just want to party and dance until my feet fall off." She says.

"Classic Santana." Blaine says.

"Yup." Sebastian says. We walk over to where everybody was dancing and started dancing. Santana was right, she was gonna dance until her feet fall off. After 20 songs she finally gives up.

"Okay I need to sit down, kurt is dressed as an elf so he is by the Santa chair. I'm gonna go hang with him for a little." She says limping inside.

"I'm beat too I need to go sit down." I say walking away and sitting between two snowy trees with snow falling on me.

"You know you look really pretty with the snow in your hair." A voice says. It made me jump but it was only Blaine.

"God blaine you scared me half to death." I say.

"Sorry I should have warned you I was coming." He smiles.

"Yeah next time please do." I say.

"Well you have been sitting here for 5 songs, Sebastian is with santana and I'm pretty sure I saw Finn here so I came over because I didn't want to start it with him." He shrugs.

"He always comes to these things I just thought he wouldn't come this year since we use to go together."

"Maybe he knew you were coming." He sits down next to me.

"Why would he come if I was?"

"I don't know, revenge maybe."

"There is nothing he can do. I know I did the right thing."


"Come on let's go inside I'm freezing." We walk inside and kurt was pacing the floor.

"Kurt! Kurt what's wrong? You rarely pace." I say rushing over to him.

"I have spent the last half and hour watching Santana and Sebastian kiss under the mistletoe." He says disgusted.

"Why were you watching?" Blaine asks.

"It was right in front of me and I would turn away but it would be at the corner of my eye." He says.

"Okay that's a little weird. Blaine please go break up this kissing maniac." I say joking.

"Oh don't make me." He groans.

"Anderson." I give him the deadly look.

"Going now." He says rushing over to them. Me and kurt laugh.

"How did he get so lucky?" Kurt asks. I just smile.

"Question remains a mystery." I laugh. The three of them come back laughing.

"Uh oh I'm not prepared to here what has happened." I say.

"Don't worry you won't." Sebastian says.

"I'm glad I'm spending Christmas with you guys." Santana says.

"Me too, couldn't have asked for a better one." Sebastian says.

"Merry Christmas." I say.

"Merry Christmas." They say back. We all take a group hug and it gave me the best feeling in the world like I have finally found the people I have wanted to be friends with my whole life.


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