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Dear diary,

It been weeks since I'm stack here and a few days with the leech. The only good thing happen is that Aquae(the keeper dude) stop trying to tell this hero who clearly seen pouting because I put distance between as like a barrier specially made for him.

Hero: let me kitten....

Villain: no way in hell I'm going to do that.

Hero: words kitten, your dirtying mouth with rubbish words. Don't speak words like that. You dont want me washing it for you right?(^v^)?

Villain :dang I so hate that hot--- fuck I did not just think that!!!*thought. You cant Fucking do anything with this wall stopping from approaching this villain! Mhahahahahha!

Aquae : (◎_◎;)

Hero: *sigh. You make me do this.*he place his hand in the surface of the barrier and the wall crash to pieces.

Villain:⊙︿⊙*totally shocked

Aquae: (◎_◎;)...master is so cool.

Hero:*his hand suddenly circle around your waist pulling you closer toward him and you head now lane on his will tan chest.* (^v^)kitty....

Villain :...

Hero:*smiling and purring like a maniac purr. Kitten, my kitten your so cute, so perfect for me.*hands start to travel up and down.

Villain: ....why do I felt I'm about to be raped by this scam?!*thought * hey! Where do you think your dirty bands touching!?*yells as you try to escape his tight hold to no Vail.

Hero:of course I'm holding my beloved kitten slash wife.(^▽^)*hands still roaming to place he shouldn't be touching without permission.


Hero: Of course you, kitten.(⌒▽⌒)*close eyes smile.

Villain : i rather marry a dog than you *blush and look away.

Hero: (●´∀`●) I'll be a dog for you then.*still smiling. your loyal puppy that will always love you.

When the hero says that my expression on my face disappear. I look at his smiling face and I remember of our past.

I stay silent for a long time but the hero seems to think I agree to his statement. he still smile as he hug me as the silence envelope the place. Aquae don't speak anything because he know he should interfere.

We stood their hugging until our legs give up.


deғyιng ғaтeѕ: deмon qυeen'ѕ DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now