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Dear diary

Its been hundred days since I meet the hero. I just realized that just now. Will its not like we interact to each other in that hundred days.

Oh you must have been confuse. How I know that. Will the scam told me that he have stalked me since day zero. Shot. He saw me playing with Toby. I miss Toby.

Will beside the point I'm trying to explain this airhead that we need to return or else chaos will happen because one the hero is not there who will save the day. Two the villain is here who will nag the despicable scam(save) to do my bedding --like bringing me catsss and cakesss.

Gush I so miss eating cake and I'm so sick if eating sea food. So many sea food that I never know exist.

The homesick

deғyιng ғaтeѕ: deмon qυeen'ѕ DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now