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He asked me why. A plain why. I dong know what he wants to ask, maybe 'why I don't tell him?' 'Why I'm unfair?' Or 'why cant I hate him...' There's many possible questions in one word why. And I'm not sure what I'll answer or will answer something that might hurt him more or make him hate himself more. The only possible answer I can answer him is that

'Because its my destiny.' I said to him with a slight close eyes smile. He look at me as his let go of the fork. His shoulder tremble as he bow his head to his hands. I think his crying so I let him have this moment. But I know liquid also fall down from my eyes. Guhh. Its just a dusk okay.

I'm an awesome villain because I made the hero cry, yet felt guilty. End.

deғyιng ғaтeѕ: deмon qυeen'ѕ DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now