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Dear diary

Remember the conflicted guy no. Two earlier? Will his name is V.A.N. hmm. His an keeper alright. Will his full name is Venom Adrian Naga. Will his a haft snake beast or kin. Lol looking at his tall figure ((will his tall because of his long tail that let him adjust his height.)) It made me think I never seems to grow because I'm still the same height i have in my first life.

Will he don't know who i was that for sure because if he know he won't be giving me this fruits and water but throw me in a prison.

This remind me this guy is a conflicted guy who have a two face. Shot i need to make sure he wont see through me. That's why I'm acting as a lost girl and a good girl.

Pretending as a good girl,

deғyιng ғaтeѕ: deмon qυeen'ѕ DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now