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I was walking earlier and I bumped to someone...someone I'm familiar with. Will I never thought I'll see him this way.
My dear boy, Crow.

Crow: ...you look familiar.* suspicious look that look just like mine.
Villain: ...will you don't* i don't look at him but the beautiful view around.
Crow:...did we meet before?* tilt his head in a cute way that almost made me want to take a photo of him and boost it to save.
Villain:...sorry dear sir but I do not know you.*totally acting suspicious and sweating guiltily.
Crow:...chiiiii*intense stare that can beat a detective.
Villain:...chiiii.*intense feeling of guilt.
Crow's friend: Hey, Linea. I think I just saw, Seri went this way----* point at the south.
Crow: bye...* bolted away to the direction his friend told him
Crow's friend: sorry about that miss. *look at me apologetically.* see you.
*he then run off to fallow Crow. 

Its a god thing his friend call him because I cant take the stare I'm getting from here. Yup there's no questioning who's his father is. Oh diary. Crow is just my cute nickname for him but his full name is Chronos Grim Linea. Sigh my boi sure have grown up as a eyecandy. I just hope his not clingy as his father.

Smiling silly villain

deғyιng ғaтeѕ: deмon qυeen'ѕ DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now