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This going to be my last entre. Because today is the day my life as Evangeline Nicro Diemon ends. My positions as demon king was given to my younger brother. My minion return to our kingdom  a day ago. So I'm pretty much alone will not really, Toby is here in my final day.

I heard from town folks there going to be  meteor shower tonight. That's why I'm in the hill with Toby away from any lifeforms of humanity.


I watch the sunset in the west. As my time runs out I can feel my body so slowly wakens but I can still watch the meteor shower happen. I pet Toby who today was silent and a good boy as I wait for my time to come to an end.


Before the meteor shower began I heard noise come from the bushes, and someone unleash a sword from its holder. I let go of Toby, After all I don't want him to be hurt with me. As I did so I felt blade Peirce me from behind. I felt blood in my mouth because of this.

Guhh. I just throw up blood because it become to many to handle. I look down at the blade that Peirce, I was curious if its really sharp that's why I touch it with my shaking finger that bleed just slight tap on it. that thing is so sharp. I then look behind me and I saw him looking at me with dull blue eyes that look like his under someone one control or he lock himself up once again.

The meteor start to fall down from the sky.

I smiled at him as touch his face with my blood hand. My body going to die soon. I then Lean  at his unmoving figure that look like a lifeless human size doll but I was careful for the blade might hurt him. My body don't heal because I can never heal wounds that made by my own grim reaper.

It seems like he won't return to his senses for a while. I thought something silly in my last moment. I left my bloody figure and write something in his white shirt.

I can never say words he want me to say to him, not even once I told nor show him how i feel. Sometimes I wish he can read my mind so he will know how I feel.

I can't even finish writing it, my body almost lifeless as i fall to his arms but I use some of my strength earlier to remove the blade because its annoying. Making a whole in the center of this body, making blood pur out from my mouth earlier.

Ahh this good bye then. I thought that as i hug him one last time. Before I left my lifeless body in his arms.  my soul have long gone left my body but I watch as he finally returned to his own consciousness. He found my lifeless body leaning against him that cause him to cry. He cant believe that I'm dead and tried all he got to wake ms up thinking I'm just asleep and not dead.

My soul slowly fade away as I watch him cry himself, the spirit made the heaven rain to covered his face as he cry under the rain...

Even so I know this always happen I can't help but say something.

'Please don't cry. Ill wait for you in our next life.' Wishing for him to hear it as my soul fade to the next reincarnation.
I can no longer hear or see him but I know he still crying. I wait for him in our next life even so I wont remember him.

They say death is the saddest thing that can happen but death free us from and The saddest thing is parting. This is all the demon queen, Evangeline Nicro Diemon. Signing off.




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