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After that hero almost made me die fr a heart attack when he suddenly pull me in an alley when I was walking behind my boi group.

" kitten... You been naughty today.(^v^) i your owner and (self proclaim)husband need to punish you" he whisper huskily to my ears.

"your not my-----" before I can even finish, something soft collied with my pink pump lips making me unable to utter another word.

My eyes that slightly shocked as I stare at the hero close eyes socket. I slowly close my eyes and return the kiss. In this moment I remember my first life where I deeply in love with this man, a man that loved by all and love them back equally if not for me he still stood with his other fellow kin's in that realm watching over us from their globes.

But I come to his life racking it and cause him to suffer yet here I'm trying to escape him.

As those thought corrupted my mind, tears that i never thought ill shade, falls down from my eyes.

When the kiss ended with him staring down at me with his loving eyes that show how much he care for me and how much he never change after all those lifetimes.

"Maybe I'm not for now...but I promise you didn't I? Well have our own happy ever after." He smiled as he solemnly says those word of promise he says in the last moment of our first life.

I stare at him, I thought something was a mess and then realized what he just said making me look at him and back away but he stop me with his hand around my waist stopping me from escaping him.

"that's so mean of you if you run away from a confession like that, My dear Sureal." My body frozen in place when I heard him called my first life name that I never thought of hearing for many years.

My tears long have dried up when I discover that he know...
Aquae most have told him that was conclusion i have thought.

"Of course he told me kitten, after all. I'm his master remember?" He purr beside my ears. "Now, you have no choice but tell me your part of your story because I know this lifetime is not included in the deal we have with them." he no longer have his smile on his face as he look down at me with his seriously expression that I quite familiar with..

I look at him and decide maybe I should but it doesn't meant he can stop from doing what I'm trying to do.

deғyιng ғaтeѕ: deмon qυeen'ѕ DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now