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Teammates. The people who I will be working with to complete mission. Teams typically are three students and one sensei. Tomorrow is the day I get my team and officially become a ninja of this village, or of any village for that matter. That is if I pass the test today.
I glance around at my classmates. For a week I've gone to school with for the past week. I've gone to the training ground under the giant willow, training with a genin teacher named Reijiro Amaya. If I'm correct he'll most likely become my sensei, as for my teammates, there are many students who could be combined with me to make a team.
"Quiet down, when your name is called please go into the room across the hall. Now Mimi Amaya!" Mimi, a small feisty girl heads out of the room with teacher.
I laid my head on the cool table, listening to the normal Waki talk about how circles are endless and therefore evil, especially circles with circles within.
I must have dosed off because the next thing I knew was the teacher standing over me, shaking me.
"About time you woke up, I had to come in because no one could get you up." He pulled a needle from his arm, "you kept trying to stick needles into them for trying to wake you. And you succeeded. Now come on."
I placed the needles into my pouch, seeing Kuro who seemed like he wished I shed more blood. Guess I need to let him transform and have some fun, it's been awhile.
The tests were simple. One tested us on a couple genin level jutsu. Another on our stamina and flexibility. The last on was to see how smart and how fast we were mentally. Considering how long the whole thing takes for each person to finish, I'm not surprised I fell asleep waiting.
"Good job, you pass." Fin says handing me a black Hitai-ate with the village symbol on it, "please call in the next person." I nod and did as told. After taking the test we are allowed to leave, I place the Hitai-ate over my forehead and tie it tight.
Once I arrive at Toto's house, after meeting him at the school entrance, I head to my room. Chi would want to know about me being in the academy and passing the test. Although, maybe I should wait to send a messenger bird until I have more to write about. Plus I'm sure she'll get upset when she finds out I didn't tell her right away, such fun.


Today is the day. Let's see if I'm correct on who my sensei will be. I adjust my Hitai-ate, which I had decided to place wrapped around my arm, still didn't know where to place it comfortably. It's most commonly placed over the forehead, to protect it, hence why it's name literally means forehead protector.
"Team 4! Waki Tanjiro! Shadow! And Uda Kunihiko!" He looks back down at his clipboard, "team 5-" I drone out. Waki is a very strange kid, but I do admit once someone says that word he sure does do well. Uda, never talked to her, but she does seem like she has potential in becoming a great ninja. Though she is not one of the people I thought would be on my team.
Figuring it would be a little bit before the senseis come to get the teams, I ask Uda to come get me when he does come.
"He? How do you know it's going to be a he?" She questions.
"Just a hunch." I say walking out the door. The school training grounds was still filled with training dummies and other training equipment, but I didn't come out here to train. I came out to get away from Waki's constant talk. Taking a seat atop a wooden post, staring at the others through the open window. I could still hear their batter and chatter. I didn't really need Uda to tell me when Reijiro comes, but it was a way of getting her to talk to me. Since we are going to be teammates.
"You were right." I open my eyes again to see Uda, "it's a he and he's here. Once he finishes talking to our teacher, or I guess now old teacher, he'll come out here." I look over her to see Waki approaching, well what a fun team this will be.
"Don't sit near the bench, sensei will sit their." Uda and Waki look at me strangely, whys he looking at me strangely? He's the strange one.
Uda opens her mouth to say something and I cut her off, "just a hunch." Reijiro comes out, goes directly to the bench that is in front of us and gets a bucket of paint dumped on his head from the tree branches.
"Shadow." His face gets as red as his hair as his fist clench, "why did I agree to be your teacher." He says it as a statement rather then a question.
"Because you know me best and because you love me." I grin and grow even more happy when I see Uda's shocked face filled with horror.

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