71st Hunger Games: Johanna Mason

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The 71st Hunger Games

Chapter 14:

We all sit down at the big table in the dining room and eat some lunch. Both Ablothia and Lazail had small portions, but blight and I help ourselves to huge portions. Ablothia looks at the clock on the wall and says "Children the scores have already started! Hurry up!" We all run into the gigantic living room only to hear the last scores of district six. "And now from district seven," Ceaser Flickerman says "Lazail Clints with a score of eight!" We all clap and congratulate him. "Also from district seven, Johanna Mason with a score of...this can't be right...two!" He finishes off, raising his eyebrow. All of a sudden, we hear immense laughter from below our feet and above us. I jump  up and clap my hand in excitement. "I see you managed to keep up the weakling act then." Says Blight. Lazail then says "Yeah, well done." As soon as the scores are over my prep team whisk me away to get me ready for the interview. They wax my legs ignoring the screams of pain coming out of me. They also do my make up in brown shades I'm afraid I'll be put in a horrible tree dress again. I was right "Do I have to wear this!" I shout at my stylist. "It's horrible! I can barely move in it!" I say.

"Stop moaning," says my stylist. "It's the latest trend in the Capitol." "Coz' the Capitol know all about fashion," I whisper sarcastically under my breath. "All tributes to the back of the stage." This is it I think I need to make this count.

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