Daddy Issues

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I am moving to a new city in a new state today. By doing this I leave behind my childhood home and my precious friends who I now call family. Starting a new school is going to be tough but I think I can manage. Being a straight "A" student will at least be a good start for me in class.

I walk to the small bag that I have left out with things that I can do on the drive there. I pull out the outfit that I decided to wear today.

I sit on the floor and start to think about leaving this house. At first, I am sad until reality sets in. I will finally be leaving the house that my father left me in. I will leave the house that he not only cheated my mother in but cheated me in. The house that ripped my childhood from me. One man can change anything and everything. I haven't seen my father since I was five years old.  I haven't even heard anything from him. He is gone and is never coming back. I hope it stays that way.

I feel a tear roll down my face but I instantly wipe it. I grab the last box off the floor. With my free hand, I reach down and pick up the black and red duffle bag sliding it over my shoulder. I hear a loud ping hit my wood floor. I turn around and see a black ring with cracks filled with blood red. It is ingrained in the inside with a name. Luca. My father's name.

"What the hell?"My whisper is almost silent. Swallowed by fear. My stomach twists into knots. My head starts to pound.

"Ah. Mom! Get up here now!" I hear her run up the stairs.

"What the hell? Angelica!" Worry lays in the undertones of my mother's breathy voice.

"What's wrong sweet pea?!" She rushes to my side.

"Ring." I breathe out in pain to low to make out what I say.


"The ring mom! Look!" She turns her head. Her eyes instantly widen. She goes to my door and closes it. She rushes to my blinds. She snaps them shut. She walks to the box that is now on the floor. I dropped it and my bag when I felt the pain rush through my body. Taking out the candles, she lays them in a perfect circle-lighting them.

"Flamma ignis!" The candles wicks burst into red hot flames.

I have an extended line of witches in my family.

The pain racks my body again. This time doubling me over as I fall to my knees.


"Hold on love." She picks up the ring.

"Luca. Luca, Luca, Luca. You never could come up with anything original, could you? I may not be strong enough to destroy you, but she can." Anger lies in her voice as well as fear.

"In infernis arderet ferreo canis exprimamus. Combust." The ring bursts into pieces. The pain subsides. She turns to me, concern written all over her face.

"Are you ok?"

"Ya. What was that?" She sighs helping me back to my feet. She swiped her hand around the circle.

"Exstingue flammas. Besides the strange and unusual, which is our ordinary, it was your father. He created the ring and somehow got it in here to eat at your power."

"Eat at my power? Why? Wait, what did you mean by I'm strong enough to destroy him? And what did you mean by,... no, just, forget it. I have many questions." She chuckles at my confusion.

"Let's go. We have a long drive ahead of us."

"What about the candles?" She sighs and starts to clean them up with my help. I take my phone and my charger from the wall. I look at my clock. 5:00 am. I yawn as I stretch. I grab the box and my bag. I walk down closing the door behind me. I get in the truck and we start to drive. I plug my headphones in and turn my music on blocking out any sound, thought, and every sad and messed up memory. I watch as my childhood home slowly disappears. I also watch my friend Emily's house go by. I quickly text her a quick...

Emily 💕

Angelica: Goodbye Em. I hope to see you soon. Miss you already. Don't forget me!

We keep going and soon pass Chris's house.

Chris 💪

Angelica: Ok Chris. I need you to look after Em. Don't let anyone bully her. I know you have a crush on me but Em has a crush on you. Try to give her a chance? I love you bud. Thanks for everything.

Boy am I going to miss those two idiots. The only thing in my mind right now is the ring and my two idiots. I quickly push my thoughts back. I look at my left wrist and see the scar that I share with Chris and Emily. We wanted something permanent to remember each other by. Tattoos were out of the question. So we decided on little scars. I look at my right wrist at my birthmark. It was more prominent today than usual. I frowned a bit and shrugged it off. I looked out the window and it started to rain. I fell asleep listening to my music.

I wake up. The car is in a hotel parking lot. Day turned to night in the blink of an eye. I yawn as my mother walks back to the car.

"Good morning sleepy head." I smile sleepily at her.

"Let's go! Shake a leg. We're posting up for the night."

We wake up early and leave for the house. We soon arrive.

"Honey! I'm home!" I giggle as my voice echoes through the house. We got the house from my aunt. It's furnished and everything. I run upstairs to see my room.  

My room is beautiful as well.

It's perfect.

"Wow." My breathy whisper rings in my ears. My mom walks into my room throwing her arms around my shoulders.

"Do you love it?"

"I do. I really do."

"Text aunt MeMe and tell her thank you." I smile ear to ear.

"Come on." She pats my shoulders.

"Come help me unload." I take off my shirt throwing on a baggy hoodie and my hair up in a ponytail.

Before we both know it, the sun is going down as the moon pops up like a spotlight in the sky.

"You better get to bed. We have to go to your new school to give them your transfer papers and get your start day."

"Ok, mom." She hugs me and kisses my cheek.

"Goodnight sweet pea."

"Goodnight mom." She leaves shutting the door behind her. I open my window. I crawl out onto my balcony. I breathe in and get a craving that I haven't had in a while. I pop my head back in the window. I ruffle through the box by the window. My hand closes around a small box and a medium box. I smirk.

"Gotcha." I pull out the pack of cigarettes and the square lighter that Emily got me for my birthday. I run my hand over the engraving.

Angelica, my guardian angel, my sister, my soulmate, my one true love, and my best friend. I love you, Em.

I smile. I put a stick in my mouth and lit it up. I finish and crawl back through my window. I go to a box labeled "whites". I open it and take out a small crop top and short shorts. I set my alarm on my phone. I plop down on my bed. I stare at the ceiling and think about that ring.

Why was it there? What did mom mean? Why did she do a spell on the ring? Who even is my father?

As the train of thought rushes through my mind, my eyelids begin to get heavy. Before I know it I drift off to sleep.

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