The House

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We drove super far out of town. It was dark now. We pull up to an abandoned house.

"Get out. Don't try anything." I get out and stand by the car.

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She gets out to

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She gets out to. Her first move is to my hair. I screech in pain. She smiles. I walk forcefully into the house. She throws me on the ground. I lift my head and she kicks me. I laugh a bit. She punches me repeatedly in the stomach. Then once in the face. My chest heaves up and down. My lungs are on fire trying to fill with air. I know she won't stop till I fall. So I do. I try to contact Jimin.

"I hope you can hear me. This will be weird but I'm going to give you access to my five senses to help you find me. I don't know where I am." By doing this gives him access to how I feel. She kicks my face again. I roll over. I wince knowing he feels every punch.

Jimin's POV

My face and midsection hurt a lot. How is she taking what they are doing to her?! I also feel her pain in her heart. From me. I let a tear drop. I see what she is seeing. I've been there before. It's a place I used to hang out at to clear my mind.

"Don't worry I'll find you." I feel a punch to the face. No. Don't hurt her! I want to scream it out loud but I know it won't do anything. I call her mom's number and tell her what's happening. She comes and gets me. She is mad. She is ready to kill.

"Can I ask you something?" She nods. "What are you claimed for?"

"The light. Which gives me all the power here when it's light. And I'm part angel so in heaven I have most power as well. Now in hell I have no power. If you are claimed for the dark you are strong at night and in hell but not in the morning or in heaven."

"What do you think Angelica will be claimed for?" She takes a deep breath.

"She's doomed to be turned to the dark but her birthday is on one of the most powerful full moons ever. If she really wants she can take that power and claim herself. Our cousin Charlotte did it. Why can't she." I nodded my head. I looked up and seen the house.

"Turn off your lights. Get ready to fight." She did as I said. I look over and see her eyes turn gold. I'm starting to figure out the eye colors. Unclaimed witch: Orange eyes when doing magic. Angelica when she's angry and her strength runs through her: Red. Doing magic while being mad: Red Orange. Light witch: Gold. Dark witch: Stone Grey.
Angelica when she's hurt: Bright Blue. I let my strength run through me turning my eyes yellow. I jump out of the car and go to the house. Angelica's mom bonds the house so only me, Angelica, and her can leave.

Angelica's POV

"I have a surprise for you little witch. Remember this. I used to date your baby brother. Till he hurt me. He was..." A sharp pain rushes through my head as well as my heart.


"Don't interrupt me!" She punches me and kicks me. I feel it. Not only the strength, the power, the anger, the hurt, but I feel him and her. I feel,... my brother.


"Oh my god. Hawk?"

"Sis." He runs to me. His white shirt stained with blood. His lip is split and his eye swollen. I sit up and hug him.

"Look at me." He looks me in the eyes I turn them all the colors I can do. He puts a finger to his lips.

"Reese isn't this a bit much? I mean you beat the shit out of my sister!" She smirked.

"Hawky... don't be a bitch. Now punch her in the face or both of you die."

"How about you die now?!" His voice made my heart melt. I stood up. Reese throws me a punch. I catch her arm. My eyes turn. I look her in the eyes. She looks at my mom. Her eyes are gold. Hawk is 16. A few years younger than me. His are orange. Jimins are yellow. I look him in the eyes.



"Don't think I don't have back up." Six men come from the hall. I laugh.

"How cute."

"And the contacts don't scare me." One of the men spoke up.

"Those aren't contacts. Your Angelica right? She's the first born Reese. And our boss. We can't help you."

"Names. Now."

"I'm Mars. These guys are Gordon, Cassius, Ashton, Ellis, and Sage. Boss I am terribly sorry."

"If I or anyone here is ever harmed I will kill you all. I don't care if you are part of my gang or not. Family doesn't hurt family. As for you." I look at Reese.

"Call Payton off or I will. In my own way."

"That's my girl." She nods. I release her. I drop the bound spell and grab Hawk. We all walk out facing them. As soon as we get to the cars I hear gun clicks.

"No one threatens the princess." Shots fired and blocked. I turn the bullets.

"And no one kills the Queen." I shot the bullets back. I bind the house so if anyone else is in there they won't be able to leave. A hand is on my shoulder. I turn to see Hawk. I hug him.

"Don't leave. Ever again."

"I'm here to stay. And I think he is to." I look behind Hawk. Jimin stands crying. Hawk whispers to me.

"Go to him." I release my brother. I walk to Jimin. I look up into his eyes. I raise my hand slowly. He puts his in mine and intertwined his fingers. I feel his emotions. He's broken. As am I. I know he can hear my heart speed up when he touches me. I look from our hands to his face. I put my hand on his cheek.

"I forgive you. Just...don't hurt me again. Please."

"Never." He hugs me. I hug him I feel his tears on my shoulder. He rubs my arms. Hawk takes off his white hoodie and hands it to Jimin who carefully puts it on me. I smile at him.

"Lets go home." I nod. We start to walk to our car.

" coming?"

"I'll go with mom. We will catch up later." I nod. Jimin puts his arm around my shoulders I wrap mine around his waist. We reach the car and he turns me to face him putting his hands on my face. Mine are around his waist still. He smiles and kisses me. I hear woops from my mom and brother. I smile. So does he. We brake the kiss and he puts his forehead to mine. In this moment I don't feel the darkness I feel the light. It's now 12:00am and the first of April.

"7 more days, and I'll be claimed."

"Claim yourself." I frown.

"Just like your cousin Charlotte did."

"I have to see Charlotte." I think for a second. I channel her.

"I need you."

The Darkness With In Me. {Completed} Where stories live. Discover now