The Drive Home.

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Me and Jimin walk out of the school. I see a crowd of people around someone's car. Oh no. It's mine.


"What is it?"

"Everyone's around my car."

"What? Why?"

"How should I know!" We run to my car.

"What are you all starting at huh?" I walk through the crowd and get to my car. In big red letters the paint states...


Who the hell could have done this?!

"Who did this huh? It's not funny!" Everyone was laughing and taking out their phones. I looked at my beautiful car that I worked years to get enough money to buy. I start to get angry and feel the heat around my shoulders again. Before anything happens I feel someone back hug me.

"I got you. I'm right here. Don't let it get to you. I'm here Angel." Jimin. Park Jimin. His voice calms me and the heat leaves my shoulders but goes to my face. I also feel my cheeks are wet. Am I crying? Of course, I am! I'm angry and upset! Do you know how much money it will take to fix this?! Jimin turns me around to face him. His brown eyes soft and his plump pink lips parted. He looks adorable right now. I nod at him.

"I'm fine. Let's go."

"Maybe I should drive?" I nod handing him the keys. I walk to the passenger side. Before getting in I stop and turn to the ground.

"I hope you are all recording and I hope whoever did this sees this. You messed with the wrong girl. You messed with a Hellsgate. And when I find will wish that you never had existed. Good luck." With that, I get in the car. Jimin is staring at me. His lips in a perfect smirk.

"Good luck?"

"What? Was that not scary enough? Maybe I should do this next time?" I hold out my hand and fire shoots up in my palm. My hair turns to fire and my eyes red.

"It's cute." He smiles. I roll my eyes annoyed so I grab his finger and touch it to the fire.

"Ah! Ouch, Angelica! That hurt!"

"That's the point dummy!" He pulls his lips into a pout and starts the car. I feel bad. So the least I can do is make him happy. I put my finger to the opposite side of his face touching his left cheek. I kiss his cheek and then his finger I burned.

"I'm sorry." He sits in shock. A nice shade of red hits his cheeks. Hard. I giggle at his reaction. He glances at me and tries not to grin like an idiot. He backs out of the space and sets way to his home.

"So what happened to your car?"

"Well, it stalled in the road. Then it wouldn't start. So I got pissed and punched it. Then I shoved it into the ditch. That simple."

"What will your parents think?" His face gets serious.

"My mother? Nothing because I lost her a year ago to cancer. I now live with my dad and aunt." His face turns to worry then he looks at me.

"My dad's car is in my drive. Which means he is home. He is probably pissed. If anything happens just go I'll be fine." I tilt my head in confusion. He doesn't say anything more. He pulls into the driveway and puts the car in park. He grabs my hand and kisses it. Closing his eyes. He looks so innocent.

"Be safe Angel." He gets out as do I. I jump in the driver's seat. Seeing that nothing is happening I turn around and go to head out the drive. I check my rearview one last time and see a woman hitting Jimin in the stomach and a man holding him back. My anger overpowers me as does worry. Why didn't I just drive away? I have only known him for two days. Yet he has a hold on me. I slam on my brake and throw it in park. I turn off the car and get out. I walk back to where the women and man are holding Jimin.

"Brought your girlfriend to fight your battles?!" As I am walking towards the women I look at Jimin who is spitting out blood and has a cut on his cheek. Now I'm beyond pissed. The women walks up to me she throws a punch. I catch her hand inches from my face. Some power taking over me. I twist it down and punch her in the face. She drops. I then hear Jimin grunt and fall to the ground. A man walks up to me and slaps me a crossed the face. I step back a bit stunned. I rise slowly. I smile as I look at him. I feel the heat in my blood, face, eyes, head, just every inch of my body. I scuff.

"You really shouldn't have done that. Plus, you hit like a little bitch." I step a foot back and grab him by the throat.

"Don't know if this means much to you but I'm a Hellsgate. Yes, I'm a witch. Yes, I'm also something else but I don't know what. Anyways...touch him again and you're dead." I drop him and seeing that he doesn't get up. I walk to Jimin.

Jimin's POV

I'm on the gravel. In a lot of pain. The woman is my aunt. The man, my dad. This isn't the first time they have beat the shit out of me. This isn't the first time I've been here. But this is the first time that someone has cared enough to save me. She runs to me and kneels. My visions a bit blurry but I know it's her when I hear her voice.

"Jimin? Jimin? Are you ok? Jimin? Can you hear me?" I reach out and she takes my hand.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm here. I'm he..."

She is cut off by a man grabbing her hair. He pulls her up. This is not just any man. Not my father. But someone. His skin is red. Fire surrounds him. Black eyes and black hair.

"I'm proud of you my child. I need to speak with you. Now!"

With a puff, she disappears. I have to get to her mom. I try to stand up but I'm so weak. I somehow find the strength to get up. Knowing she's out there. Probably terrified. Terrifies me. I go to her car and drive to where I saw her car pull out. I get out and go to the door. An older lady opens it. But wait there's two of them. They are both spinning.

"Angelica..." Black.

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