BTS Tickets

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(y/n) POV
"Sir I was thinking about getting a new dream!" I say kinda nervous like to Richard my agent "why?! Your my best model! Have I not treated you well?" Richard ask worried like

I sigh and say "you have, your a great agent! But I want to follow a new dream! Remember you can call me anytime you need a model but right now I want to follow a different dream!"

Richard nods in understanding and ask "so what's your new dream?" In response I shrug and say "don't know yet but I'll figure it out!"

He chuckles at my answer and says "well it's been fun being your agent! if you ever need my help with something you have my number!"

"Thank you so much sir!" I squel and grab all my stuff to get ready and leave. I hug Richard and wave bye to him before leaving to the parking lot where the limo is waiting.

I get in and my driver Winston begins to drive off. Me and Winston talk about the most random things! We were laughing but then my phone rang so it played dope! Dope by BTS is the ringtone I put for Ethan!

After a second or two I picked up the phone and said "hello?" In my regular tone "have you eaten yet?" Ethan asked and I sighed because he always asks me that, and it's always the same answer! It's usually a yes but this time it was a no!

"No but I'm heading home!" I say excited because it's 3pm and I usually go home at 8pm. "Oh yeah I forgot you wanted to tell your agent that you want to quit!" Ethan said as of he just realized it!

"Wow what a great brother you are! I've been talking about this for the past week! Well whatever! I'm heading home!" I say the last part angry and hang up immidiently and Winston ask "are you ok princess?"

I sigh and say in a sad voice "I can't believe he was so important to me and he just...he just...ignored it." I was really upset, Ethan is my bftf (Best friend in the family) and he just completely ignored it as if I was a piece of dust. I hadn't come home early from work since I was 14! And I'm 16!

When we got home Winston patted my head and smiled sadly at me. We walked up the steps and we're infront of the door when Winston rang the doorbell for me. The door opened and it was all dark, and we stepped in.

The lights are off so I couldn't see anything so I flipped the switches on. When I did I heard​ several voices yell "congratulations!" My eyes quickly adjusted to the light and I saw several decorations and people there.

I looked at everyone with a smile on my face even though I had no idea what was going on. Ethan then stepped up and said " you thought I forgot huh." I couldn't help but hug him, he's always been the best big brother!

I look up at Ethan and smile brightly at him. He smiles warmly back at me until he pushes me off of him and walks to the cake. I can't help but laugh and say "my tsundere big brother is awesome!"

He rolls his eyes and says "I'm not a tsundere!" I laugh even more and say with playful sass "of course your not a tsundere! And I'm not famous!" I hear him chuckle a little and he says "just enjoy the party!"

I nod and then I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see luna and she says "stop arguing with your brother already and let's party!" I giggle and say "I can't believe Ethan planned this all!"

"Well your brother is full of surprises!" She says and throughout the day we all party but of course I video tape the party! I had a blast with everyone! It soon became night time and I got a little tired

"Hey go open your gifts! I want you to see what I got for you!" Wendy said tugging me to a table with a bunch of gifts on it "wow you guys even got me gifts!"

Time skip
I'm currently opening my 28th gift and it's from Alton our chef! I open the box and in it was a necklace! The necklace was the house from UP with the balloons!

(A/N) a picture of the necklace is at the top!

"It's so cute! Thank you so much Alton!" I squeal out, I absolutely love Disney! He smiles and says "no problem princess!" I smile at the nickname, when I was younger I told everyone to call me princess. They still do and honestly I enjoy it! I love them!

I opened 6 more gifts and smiled until I realized I didn't get a gift from Ethan! I was upset but I didn't want to show it so I said "thank you all! For your amazing gifts! I really appreciate it!"

"Oh stop with the act, I know you were expecting a gift from me! Here it is" Ethan says as he tossed me a small box and I caught it, I rolled my eyes and laughed before opening the box!

What I saw were two tickets, I didn't understand till I grabbed the tickets. I read them and my eyes widened, they were tickets to a BTS concert in Chicago in a week! I shot up and hugged him immidiently, I started to squel so much that I could hardly breath!

I was still hugging him saying "thank you thank you thank you! You are the best brother ever!" I was hugging him so much that I knew his tsundere side was going to come out any second now but I didn't care!

"Hey get off of me you idiot!" Ethan said while trying to push me off, I got up off of him and said "thank you so much!" He just nodded looking away from me, I looked at the tickets then got confused and asked "why is there two tickets? I thought you weren't into BTS?"

"I'm not, but Luna is." Ethan says pointing at Luna behind him with his thumb, I smile and say "finally! Your warming up to her! I hated it when you were so cold to her!" He rolls his eyes and I go show Luna the tickets and tell her that shes coming with me!

We were both so happy and excited! that night I went to bed with one thing on my mind before falling asleep 'i have BTS tickets!'

(A/n) I hope you guys like this chapter! Love you all bye!

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