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After a bit he seemed to smile so I'm guessing the pain had stopped. "See I told you! tomorrow morning you can come here while yoongi is changing and I will massage you! Now let's go to the airport to catch our plane!" I say as yoongi exits the bathroom and grabs his luggage

"Your acting like a noona, you're younger then us so stop it." yoongi says which makes me smile "I would love to be called noona! My little brother doesn't know Korean so he can't call me noona" I say pouting.

"C'mon let's go" yoongi says standing by the doorway, I shoot up and run out the door. "I'm so excited I'm so excited!" I cheer while doing a weird dance "what is wrong with you?" Yoongi says giving me a judgemental look

"Everything" I reply sticking my tongue out at him, he just shakes his head at how childish I am. "You were acting like a noona not long ago, literally 5 seconds ago and now your acting like 3 year old." Yoongi mutters

"Is everyone ready to go?" Namjoon asked coming out of his room "we're still waiting on Taehyung, jimin, and Jin hyung" Hoseok says closing the door behind him. "Go wake them up" PD-min says popping out from behind us which makes me jump.

'how the hell did he get there?! When did he get here?!' I thought a bit startled, the guys and I nod. I was about to open jimin and Taehyung's room when someone grabbed my shoulder stopping me. "The hyungs could be changing" I hear jungkook say.

"I'll just knock then" I say then gently knocked on the door making sure not to wake up other hotel tendance. "Hyungs it's time to go!" I say while knocking on the door again, I hear a bunch of voices coming from the inside of their room.

The door opens and I glance over jimin's shoulder to see that they were watching TV. "Oh you guys are ready to go? We thought we still had time to watch TV" Taehyung says pouting. They both come out and I headed to jin's room "hyung wake up! It's time to go!" I say jiggling the door handle

"Don't open!" Jungkook says grabbing my hand to stop me "I wasn't, I was was just jiggling this to annoy him" I say looking down at jungkook's hand that's on mine. "Well it worked!" I hear Jin shout from inside his room and i also heard rustling, which probably meant he used his pillow to cover his ears. Which made me laugh. I look down at the handle and see jungkook's hand still on mine.

"U-umm.... jungkook" I say, I clear my throat before continuing "your hand." Jungkook gets what I meant and quickly removes his hand, I don't look at jungkook but continue to jiggle the door nob. My crush on the boys never really stopped, so I'm still an army who has a crush on some of them. My crushes on some of them died and some are still dying, but my crush on Jungkook hasn't died.

So certain moments like that make me blush. "Fine I'm out, now please stop" Jin begs throwing the door open which makes me laugh more. "Sorry hyung!" I say smiling "now let's go! I'm so excited~!" I say in a sing song

"You're way to excited for this, don't you think it's going to be exhausting?" Yoongi asked looking back at me, I run to yoongi and tug his arm and I link our arms. He stumbles bit at my sudden tug but doesn't pull his arm away to unlink them.

"No way! You may be tired but I'm not! Now let's go!" I say trying to run to the parking lot "calm down, you're 18 but act like a 3 year old" yoongi says sighing. "Internationally I'm 17!" I point out which only makes him roll his eyes

"You're a worse maknae then the golden maknae" jimin says smiling. "Well I'm not the golden maknae, the reason for his name is because he's good at everything! I'm different from hyung!" I say pouting, don't compare me with the guy that's a living meme and perfection!

"Actually what maknae are you?.....Do you want to be the golden maknae? You seem good at everything so far!" Jimin asked, I just shrugged "I'll call my brother and he'll pick for me, when I have trouble he'll help.....or I could just ask yoongi hyung" I say turning to yoongi.

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