I love you ARMY

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"it's time for you to get on the rising platform." My eyes widen 'already?!' I thought in a panic but on the outside i just nodded and followed him to the rising platform. The nerves were killing me and I thought 'Here goes nothing!'

I put on my black cloak and the white mask before stepping onto the platform. The boys finished their performance and put on their mask but the platform still wasn't rising. Which made me confused, I turn to the guy that flipped the switch. He kept flipping it but nothing happened.

'Of all the times to act up you had to do it now?!' I internally shouted at the rising platform. Soon that part of fake love was over and with it the concert. 'just great! My cool entrance is ruined!'

The boys didn't walk off the stage and instead stood there smiling. Then Namjoon spoke but in American for some reason. Maybe it was because we are in the USA and these are English speaking fans?

"We wanted to make a announcement!" He replied cheerfully and I could feel his smile and his dimples showing. "We have a new member!" He said and there were gasp and squeals heard throughout the arena.

"What is his name?!" I could here a ARMY shout and I waited for Namjoon to say something. He chuckled nervously and replied "we actually dont know! He hasn't said anything really!"

The platform started to rise and I found a mic next to my feet. I grabbed it and spoke as the platform slowly rose. "He?" I spoke in a calm, collected, professional way and everyone was looking around confused. Even the boys.

I was now on the same level as the stage and walked off the platform. I walked through a gap between the boys and walked towards the crowd. That's when everyone's eyes were on me but they couldn't tell it was me due to the mask and cloak.

BTS gestured security my way and they slowly walked when I held my hand up in a stopping position. "Last time I recalled I wasn't a he." I spoke into the mic and everyone seemed confused.

PD-nim walked onto the stage next to me and when he did everything clicked. The boys and ARMY seemed to understand when I said I wasn't a boy.  I threw off my cloak and mask and everyone was staring at me wide eyed, especially the stars.

PD-nim then spoke in English to ARMY "everyone, I would like to introduce the newest member of BTS! She is Starlight!" Almost all of ARMY erupted into cheers and I'm assuming they knew who I was.

"Some of you may know me but those of you who don't I'm Starlight! It's wonderful meeting you guys! The ones that saw my video now understand what I mean by surprise! I hope this was a good surprise!" I say letting out a nervous laugh

I look over at PD-nim and ask "I guess this is when we answer questions?" He nodded and walked off stage, I turned to look at the boys who were staring at me wide eyed. I awkwardly waved and turned back to ARMY.

"any questions?" I asked and the crowd shouted random questions and I could hardly hear them. I saw a few raising their hands so I picked on the one on my right. "What's your question?" I ask pointing at her, she points at herself making sure it was her and I nod.

"Starlight big fan here! I wanted to know how you hid yourself away from the boys! RM said he and didn't know your name and none of them knew your gender! How were you able to do that?" The ARMY said in her normal voice since the whole room went quiet to hear her question.

"Well it's good to meet a fan my beautiful star! And for your question I wore my older brothers clothes and kept quiet!" I say with a finger over my lips in a shh gesture and winked.

I hear a few people laugh at my silliness and I called on another ARMY. "How do some of the other ARMY'S know you? Are you famous?" The ARMY asked and a lot of other ARMY'S gasped at her cluelessness.

"You don't know who Starlight is!" A girl said in disbelief and I let out a nervous chuckle. A lot of the ARMY'S talked about how it was impossible for the girl not to know of me. I could tell the girl was embarrassed and felt sad about being talked about.

"Hey stars stop! Not everyone knows of me and that's ok! I'm Starlight! Im famous for my singing, dancing, rapping, acting, and for modeling! And my YouTube channel! That's pretty much it!" I say to the girl who didn't know me so she can know why I was famous.

She gave me a smile and nod before sitting back down. "Do the boys know your real name?" A random fanboy shouted and some other fans started to shout "yeah do they?!" And "Can they tell us!" Or "What do you mean real name?!"

"Sorry but they can't tell you because they don't know! No one must ever know! Only my family does!" I say giggling after because they must never know. I heard a lot of groans but I was use to it when people would ask for my name.

The boys and I got asked a bunch of questions. Once everything was over I went to the restroom and changed back into my other clothes. Except this time I took off my shades, cap, and pullover.

I was wearing black ripped skinny jeans, a black noodle staple shirt, and converse! I kept my hair down since I no longer had to pretend to be a guy. I looked in the mirror and couldn't help but cringe at how ugly I looked. I wish I was actually pretty!

(A/n) the outfit your wearing is at the top!

I left the restroom and walked to wear PD-nim was and when no one was in sight I spoke. "Sir I wanted to ask if I had to tell the boys my name. I really hope I don't." I say the last part under my breath, "no you don't have to!" PD-nim says patting my head

I smile and walk away happily, I see the boys walking out the door and I follow. When I exit the door i see a bunch of security guards guarding the boys to the van. I join the boys as other guards are holding back screaming ARMY'S.

"I LOVE YOU ARMY!!!" I shout at the top of my lungs happily then I get in the van and put on my earphones with a bored expression. I really do love ARMY it's just I can't talk to the boys so I have to pretend like I don't want to be here.

(A/n) I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I 💜 you all!!!! Bye!

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