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Hoseok say something in Korean to the guys and all the boys walk over to me. "1 2 3 happy birthday!" They shout in unison which made me flinch I was in the center of them but then I realized that they were telling me happy birthday. "Let's post everything! The pictures of jungkook and you, and our happy birthday to you!" Hoseok whispers

I nod and then I got a notification that BTS posted. "You have our Twitter?" Namjoon asked peaking at my phone "yeah! PD-nim gave me it saying that it's BTS's Twitter, I have all the social media now!" I lie straight through my teeth and smiling, being an actor comes with perks!

Being an actor means I'm a great liar! "Anyway I should practice my Korean! Yoongi hyung come help me!" I say sitting down and patting a seat next to me, yoongi complies and helps me study.

Time skip
It's been 4 months since my birthday and I now speak Korean fluently! Everyone helped a lot! I'm extremely close to the boys now! We can practically joke about anything with each other!

The thing is I'm the one who always does chores, I kinda have to. I have to do the laundry because I don't want the boys seeing my bra's. I do the dishes and clean wherever we stay since I take it as my job to clean up after these messy boys. I cook for the boys since I'm the earliest to get up and the most energetic.

I even took yoongi's spot in fixing whatever the god of destruction breaks. In 4 months the MAMA is coming up and I'm so excited! Tomorrow they're teaching us the choreography and today we're heading back to BigHit! I woke up to my alarm which I had changed to yoongi shouting "wake up!!!"

I woke up with a smile on my face while laughing, his alarm is me shouting "wake up pabo!" I always wake up an hour before the boys so I can get ready and do some yoga!

I grab My clothes and take them to the restroom so I can change there. My outfit was a cropped pastel pink blouse, blue jeans shorts, grey sweater, grey beanie, and grey wedges.

(A/n) your outfit is at the top!

I turned the temperature of my room to as low as it could possibly go and went to the restroom. I did my daily routine and put on my brown contacts. I looked at myself in the mirror and like I did often I started to point out my imperfections.

"The first imperfection is this." I say gesturing to my whole body which I meant by everything about me is imperfect. "When will you be beautiful (y/n)? You look like crap" I mutter to myself and like I always do when talking to myself I talk in English.

I walk out of the restroom and go to the middle of the hotel room. I still hadn't gotten a yoga mat since we've been practicing so much, and we came to a new place last night. When it got freezing cold in the room I grabbed yoongi some clothes he can wear today and started to do yoga.

"WAKE UP PABO!!!" I hear my voice go off from the dresser that's next to my bed. I hear yoongi groan but lightly chuckle and rub is his eyes as he sits up. "These alarms are hilarious aren't they!" I say laughing and he mutters a tired "yeah."

"How are you not tired?" He asked getting up while holding his back which meant the poor lil meow meow had back pains. "I already got you clothes! And you need to take care of your back" I say turning the temperature back to normal.

I grab his clothes which I had folded neatly and placed them next to him. I sat behind him on his bed while he sat on the other side on the edge of the bed. I started to massage his shoulders, neck, and back.

"Hyung wake up!" Jungkook says walking into the room but then sits next to me and yoongi. "What are you doing?" He asked as the bed sank in because of the added weight

"My morning routine. After getting myself ready I grab yoongi's clothes and since he had back pains I message his back every morning." I say and I continue to massage yoongi's neck as his head hangs

"You do that every morning?" Jungkook ask in disbelief "I wake up an hour earlier then you boys. And he always work so hard so I thought that maybe I should pamper him!" I sat smiling "yoongi hyung we're switching roommates! You can share a room with hoseok hyung! I want starlight to be my roommate!" Jungkook says grabbing my arm

"No, now I need to get dressed." Yoongi says grabbing the clothes I had gotten him and went to the restroom to change. "Come here kookie hyung" I say patting in front of me and he crawls right in front of me. Once he's right in front of me he turns the other way and sits with his back facing me.

"Where do you want me to massage you?" I ask and he thinks before saying "do what you did with yoongi hyung!" I start my massaging his shoulders to his neck and to his back like I did with yoongi. I went a bit lower from his middle back and I notice him flinch.

Everytime I go lower he clenches his teeth and squeezes his eyes shut. "You carry to much tension in your lower back jungkook hyung, you need to destress sometimes." I say massaging his lower back and I hear him mutter ow which hurts me.

"I don't want to hurt you but to relieve the tension I need to massage there. It's only going to hurt a bit but after that you will feel good ok?" I say gently so he can calm down because I'm already hurting his back.

After a bit he seemed to smile so I'm guessing the pain had stopped. "See I told you, tomorrow morning you can come here while yoongi is changing and I will massage you! Now let's go get ready for the plane ride!" I say as yoongi exits the bathroom and grabs his luggage

(A/n) I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!! I love you all!!! Bye!!!!

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