They can speak English?!

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(A/n) My friend Amy kept pestering me to continue this chapter because I haven't posted in a while! So here it is! Oh and love you Amy! 😋

PD-nim says something but i can't understand since its in Korean but he pointed at the hotel. So I'm assuming he's going to show us to our rooms. PD-nim started walking into the hotel with the 8 of us trailing behind.

Of course the boys spoke to each other but it's not like I understood anything they said. For me though I was just in the back trailing behind awkwardly. "I can't wait to learn some Korean so I won't be so socially awkward" I mumble under my breath.

Just like I assumed PD-nim was taking us to our hotel rooms. Namjoon and Jin shared a room which I was happy about! Because I ship it! NAMJIN!!! The next room we stopped at was to the left of NamJins room. PD-nim kept speaking Korean and I couldn't understand, the only things I understood were the boys names.

As PD-nim spoke about this room I heard the name Taehyung and jungkook! TAEKOOK!!!!! I internally died because they are my favorite!!! We went to the next room on the left and the names that we're mentioned was jimin and yoongi!!!

Another freakin ship of mine!! YOONMIN!!! I wanted to squeal on the freaking spot but couldn't because I would look crazy. Hoseok got his own room just like I did, hoseok seemed happy to have his own room.

The numbers of NamJins room number was 218, TaeKook had room 219, Hoseok got room 220 all to himself, YoonMin got 221, and for me I got 222 which was next to YoonMin. "My room will be next door to yours, if you run into trouble just come to my room. Your room is connected by a door to Yoongi's and Jimin's room so just keep it locked at all times." PD-nim says pointing at the door that connected the rooms

I simply nod but then I remember a question I was going to ask "how long are we going to stay in this hotel?" I asked and PD-nim said "a week" I simply nod and with that said PD-nim goes into his room and I do the same.

My hotel room was small, humble, and cute! It definitely was extremely small compared to my old room back at home. But I was ok with that! Im going to be living the idol life! Since we were staying for a week I unpacked and organized my things in certain areas.

I had found my Korean learning book at the bottom of the suitcase. The moment I sat down on the bed and had opened the book my phone rung. But it wasn't a usual ring it was the song DNA playing. "What up girl!" I shout, already knowing who it was due to the ringtone.

"How is it going over there! Have you hugged one of them yet?! Have you confessed your undying love for them?!" Luna kept rambling on "slow your roll! I'm not even going to tell them I'm an ARMY. And everything is going fine over here! I really miss you guys! I was just about to practice Korean before you called!" I say turning on video chat

Luna happily accepted the video chat then said "oh and i got a new alarm to wake me up in the morning for now on! I'll play it so you can hear it!" Then her alarm went off and it was Jin's laughter, so I broke out laughing.

"Send me the link where you got this! I need this for my morning alarm! Or maybe I can put it as a ringtone!" I say in between laughs, then Luna suggested this "well since you were going to study Korean, how about we study Korean together through this video chat!" "Great idea!" I squeal

I open the book to its first page where we will learn hangul. After like 5 minutes I was getting frustrated and let out a groan of annoyance. "Why?!" I shout at the top of my lungs in anger "why the hell is this so hard!" I cursed "calm down will ya! It's learning a whole new language! So of course it's going to be difficult! At on point you'll get it!" Luna tries to cheer me up

I sigh and say "what if I never learn? What if I'm stuck speaking only English and Spanish forever? I have a way bigger fan base now.... I don't want to disappointment ARMY. I want to make ARMY proud and happy" "Did you not see how they reacted when they found out you were a new member of BTS!? They were exhilarated! ARMY will be proud of you no matter what!" Luna says with a small smile

"I wish I could hug you right now!" I say squeezing my phone in between my hands "hey I wish I could stay and continue to study with you but I have to go! Your mom said she wanted to speak with me so I have to go to your place! Bye!" Luna says and I also say a faint bye in a sad voice before she hangs up.

"I'm sure you'll learn." I hear a deep voice speak English, so I quickly face the door that lead into the hall. No one was there weirdly, then I turned to the door that connected YoonMin's and mines room together. There stood the pale boy who had helped me with my luggage earlier today.

Next to him was the sunshine of the group, Hoseok. "We can help you!" The sunshine said in english with a big smile that could blind me "wh-what are you talking about!?" I stutter out but then I remembered they probably don't understand me.

"N-neo...museun...s-soli ya?" (What are you talking about?) I ask tripping over my words wondering if I said it right or even said the correct words. "Don't hurt your brain trying to talk Korean" Yoongi says in English with an amused expression.

"Wait how can you understand me? As far as I'm concerned you guys hardly understand English?" I ask seeing their faces morph into mischievous one "No one knows but us! But we speak English fluently!" Hoseok says

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped, not even i! A long time ARMY since like day one even knew about this! "What?!" I shout in disbelief and they both nod with smirks on their face. "Does the rest of BTS know?!" I say a bit to loud where they have to shush me

"Nope! Just each other!" They say in unison which makes yoongi scrunch up his nose at the cringyness. "We can teach you Korean!" The boys say in unison again so yoongi smacks the back of hoseok's head.

(A/n) I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I got this idea from this funny BTS meme! Anyways I love you all bye!!!

(A/n) I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I got this idea from this funny BTS meme! Anyways I love you all bye!!!

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