I'll miss them

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I look out the window still singing and smiling and I then thought, 'im going to live with my celebrity crushes! I'm going to die!'

Me and Luna arrived sooner then we expected, but I guess since I'm so worried about meeting BTS I was focused on that. We got our suitcases and saw our limo waiting for us, we got into the limo and Winston drove off.

We dropped Luna off at her house and went to my house, like Winston always does he rang the doorbell for me. One of our maids opened the door and greeted me home, she told me my family was in the small dining room having lunch.

The small dining room was simple, it was nothing fancy! I walked and the moment my family saw me they stopped eating and ran to give me a hug! I took a seat next to Ethan after all the hugs, I was nervous about telling them.

I cleared my throat an said "family I have some big news! And it has to do with my next dream I found!" "It's good you found a new dream! What is it sweetheart?" My mom asked sweetly

I then said "I'm going to be part of my favorite k-pop band BTS! Since they live in Korea and go on tour im going to be living with them!" I did jazz hands, everyone stopped eating and stared wide eyed at me.

Emma was the first to speak and she said "I'll help you pack!" I was so happy! My big sister is on my side and I know my little sister and mom will be on my side!

"We will miss you when your gone!" My dad says hugging me and chance nods, everything was perfect until Ethan shouted "are you people crazy! BTS is a BOY band! The youngest just turned 21! She can't live with 7 grown men!" 'Gee thanks Ethan! You just ruined my life!' I thought while rolling my eyes

"Technically jungkook isn't 21! He's 21 international but in Korea he's 23!"
I covered my mouth immediately realizing that I'm not helping my case. Ethan glares at me and says "I forbid you to go!" I love BTS they're not just some boy band, to me they are people who have helped me through anger and sadness.

I walk to Ethan and say in a very stern voice "I don't care if you forbid me! All of you could forbid me but I don't care! Im going! I already accepted the offer!.... I have less then a week to pack so I should start now." After that I walked away to go to my room and pack.

I got 1 big suit cases and a huge travel bag. I started to stuff it with stuff such as clothes, shoes, accessories, bathroom necessities, I packed some of my favorite stuffties, headphones, and three chargers just in case I lose one. I smiled at my work, I only packed 1 suitcase and the bag now I just need to fill up the other suitcase and i'll be done.

My stomach started to growl which made me realize that I skipped breakfast and lunch. I walked to the kitchen to just get some strawberries but then I saw Emma there. She smiled at me and tossed me a banana and said "it gives you more energy! You'll need it when packing!"

I smiled and asked "so your ok with me living with 7 grown men?" "I trust your judgment! You wouldn't listen to a group of boys music if they were rapist!" Emma says chuckling which makes me smile, then she grabs a banana from the fridge and says "I'll need this energy to help you pack!"

I skip along to my bedroom happily with Emma following behind me looking at me weirdly. "I just need 1 more suitcase!" I say and she walks into my closet and starts to grab a bunch of clothes. "Hey are you going to take these?" Emma ask holding up all my BTS shirts, I become bright red and shout "of course not! I don't want them finding out I'm an ARMY!"

A smirk appears on Emma's face but then disappears she nods and walk back into the closet.

Emma's POV
'I love (y/n) but it's fun to tease her sometimes!' I thought while rushing past her and running to her suit case. I put all her BTS stuff in the suit case and cover it up with her other clothes. 'She will be so upset but I just want to tease her a little!' I thought while evil laughing

(Y/n) POV
I walk out of my closet with a few other outfits and see Emma laughing evilly. "Are you high or something?" I ask while giving her a weird look she notices me and shakes her head no while laughing awkwardly.

I finish packing and look to say to Emma sarcastically "I can totally see why the guys were throwing themselves at you!" "Hey!" She shouts and kicks me playfully and I laugh, I look at the time and it's already dinner time. "How about we go get dinner!" Emma suggest

I nod and walk with Emma to the small dining room. The moment we arrive I see all the boys in my family already digging into the food. They didn't even care we were gone and just ate without me and Emma. I roll my eyes and say "gee boys thanks for waiting for us!" Emma laughs at my sarcasticness

Emma and I wait for us to be served the food when I realize something and ask "why are you guys eating like animals? Usually you guys wait to be served." Then Ethan replies with a mouth full of food "because this is our way of saying sorry."

"By eating all the food?" You ask while raising an eyebrow and he nods before swallowing the food in his mouth. He then says "The food is a veggie burger and we know you don't like vegetables!......Don't take this the wrong way! I don't care about you I just don't want a guilty conscience!" Ethan tsundere side came out and I couldn't help but smile

So that's when I notice that they all are ok with me joining BTS. After dinner we all go to bed, I was so happy and I called BigHit Entertainment telling them I'm done packing. They said they booked a plane for me to leave tomorrow morning.

Time skip
"I love you all bye!" I said hugging my family and waving bye as I entered the limo, the limo then left to the airport. I cried a bit of how much I was going to miss my family and Luna.

(A/n) IT'S RM'S BIRTHDAY!!!! LET'S ALL HOPE HE HAS A AWESOME BIRTHDAY!!!! 🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰love you all bye!

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