Arriving at the airport!

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After she calmed down the pilot walked to us and said "we are about to take off madam!" I nod, me and Luna takes our seat and I hand her gum. "You always need to chew gum when taking off or landing!" She made an 'O' face and started to chew the gum.

Time skip

After 3 hours and 50 minutes my stomach started to grumble, I flushed red in embarrassment. My stomach started to growl more and Luna decided to tease me and said "even your stomach sings!" "Wh-what do you mean my stomach sings t-too!" I stuttered out in embarrassment

"Don't pretend like I didn't hear you sing in your room! Your voice is amazing!" She squeals and I gently push her away and she giggles at my reaction and says "can you sing for me please!" She does her puppy dog eyes and I can't help but give in

"What song?" I ask grumpily she thinks for a second then replies "butterfly!" I nod then hum the melody and when the lyrics came I sang. I closed my eyes as I was singing  and I leaned back into my chair, it helped me relax because I could feel Luna's intense stare.

After the song I opened my eyes and there Luna was having a big wide smile. "Wow that was-" she begins but I cut her off "please don't start the praising!" "Why not?! Your praised everyday because of your past jobs!" Luna complains

"Plus soon enough you should be a celebrity singer! You can sing, rap, and dance!" Luna starts her praising but then that got me thinking, should I do that? Being a singer could be fun and I could rap and dance in music videos! I got so into thought but then was pulled out when Luna asked "you should audition for BTS!"

"Stupid their a boy group and I don't speak Korean!" I say shaking my head at her she rolls her eyes and says "fine but can you sing DNA!" I nod and begin my singing but I continue thinking about being a singer.

I finished singing when the speaker said "we are going to land soon!" "Take the gum and start chewing" I hand Luna a peice of gum. "Please tell me this isn't mint!" Luna says looking at the gum and I say "I hate mint why would I give you something I hate? Its watermelon!"

Luna and I both hate mint, I always gag when brushing my teeth in the morning. Well since we were close to landing I put on a floppy hat and shades.

Once we landed and we we're aloud to get off the plane we grabbed our stuff and ran down the stairs. Since it's our private jet we we're aloud to take our suitcase onto the plane with us.

The moment I stepped foot on the floor I felt a surge of happiness go through my vains. There was a bunch of people but they were staring at Luna and I. I get it, only two people coming off a huge plane. I could tell Luna felt uncomfortable with all the attention so I decided I would help her.

I'll hate it but to make her happy i would, at that moment I took off my hat and shades. I heard a bunch of screams and squels and I just smiled and waved. A crowd came rushing to me and I talked to them a bit I looked over at Luna who seemed relaxed. Then someone asked "why are you here starlight?"

I smiled at the question and said "isn't it obvious! BTS is performing here! And I'm going to their concert with my bff! Now I really must be going! Love you all bye!" I say blowing kisses  to the crowd and I pulled on Luna's wrist.

"Seeing you blow kisses to them was so hard to watch! It was major cringe!" Luna whispered and I laughed, as we we're walking to the front of the airport I got a call. The ringtone was normal which meant it was from business.

I answered and said professionally "hello this starlight speaking! Who is this?" "It's Richard! I heard your going to a BTS concert so I wanted to make sure you had someone to drive you around! So I have a limo parked at the front of the airport for you! Oh I have to go! Bye!" Richard said cheerfully before hanging up

I had him on speaker so Luna could here so we just started to walk to the front of the airport. "Do you think Richard went all big and got you a big limo?" Luna asked and I said "I sure hope not!" I cross my fingers as I am about to exit the airport and when I see the limo I sigh

"Of course Richard got me a huge limo! It doesn't even matter that I'm only here for two days!" I say rolling my eyes people were staring at me, Luna and the limo. So I just smile while pushing Luna into the limo and me hopping in.

(A/n) I hope you all liked this chapter! I know this one is a boring chapter but the next one won't be! Oh and the picture of the limo and the inside of it is at the top! Love you all bye!

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