8th member

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(A/n) the pictures of the inside of the limo, the limo, clothes, hotel, hotel room are at the top!

Once I get Inside and close the door behind me I look at the inside of the limo. "It's like a party bus! Maybe this won't be so bad!" I say and then the guy driving ask "are you guys ready to go?" "If our luggage is in the trunk then yes!" I reply and then we take off

We stop at this huge and cool hotel and I'm staring in disbelief. "My parents booked me 2 nights in this hotel!?" I shout and Luna just has her eyes wide, and the driver chuckles before saying "I'll get your luggage down miss!"

Luna and I get out of the limo hesitantly but it hits me "we have less then an hour to get ready for the BTS concert!" I shout, Luna gets out of her daze and we grab out suitcases. After we grab all our stuff and tip the driver we run to the front desk and sign in.

We sign in and run to our room, we like our room because it's big yet small, fancy yet plain. We changed immidiently and i changed into black ripped jeans, black and white army shirt, white converse, and a red beany.

I check my phone and, I started to freak out! "It's 4:55! The concert starts at 5!" I shout, Luna and I dash out the door and jump into the limo. "Let's get going! We have to be at the concert by 5!" I say to the driver and he nods before driving off at the speed of light

We arrive there with only one minute to spare. I had bought front row tickets and I payed extra to keep them reserved. We got to our seat just in time because the moment we sat down the boys came on stage. Every army in the building start to scream and squel.

I was in complete awe! the guys I have loved for like forever now are performing right in front of me! They were performing idol and I just kept squeling like every other army here. Once the concert was over me and Luna started to talk about what restaurant we should go out to eat.

All the army's left and we waited an extra 10 Minutes to make sure they were gone from the parking lot as well. "Are they gone?" I whisper and Luna nods so I sigh of relief, Luna then says "no one's here! You should perform idol!"

I agree immidently because performing where BTS just performed sounds amazing. I run onto the stage and put idol full blast on my phone! I was halfway done with the song when someone came on stage and started to speak nonsense.

I stopped and looked at the guy, I immediately recognized him, it was PD-nim! I wanted to cry, hug and, thank him for the blessing I call BTS! "I am so sorry sir I will leave!" I say bowing and then he said "were you just performing idol?" And he said it in English! I didn't even know he spoke English!

"Y-yes sir!" I managed to say, I look at Luna who is as nervous as I am! And she's not even talking to him! "Can you please perform the whole thing again for me?" PD-nim asked I nod my head shyly and he goes to one of the seats and sits down. I start the song before taking a deep breath, I start singing dancing and rapping just like I saw here at the concert!

I then finished and looked at PD-nim he had a satisfied look on his face and then he said "how would you feel about being BTS's 8th member!" Then I replied "I'd be extremely happy!" "Then welcome to BTS! What's your name new member?" He asked and i couldn't say a thing

"I can't tell you my real name but my work name is starlight! So call me starlight!" I say smiling he shakes my hand and says "we are going back to Korea today for a week break and the starting tour again! So you have a week to pack everything and call BigHit when your done so we can buy you your plane ticket! The boys will be happy to have a new member!"

He then walks away with his shadow slowly creeping away. I turn to a complete shocked Luna and we start to squel. "Your going to be in BTS!" She shouts at the top of her lungs and I swiftly nod my head not even finding the right words.

Time skip

Luna and i are currently heading back home, we're in the jet. I think back on what PD-nim said and then I realize and shout "I don't know Korean!" Luna understood what I meant and said "well you could act your Dandere self!"

(A/n) for those of you who dont know what a Dandere is, it's a extremely shy, quiet, and anti social person who becomes more confident because of love and friendship!

"I wish when I first met you it was your Dandere side! Instead it was your tsundere side! You were such a bitch when I met you!" Luna complains and I nervously laugh because it was true! I was a total bitch when I met her!

(A/n) so I know not everyone knows what a tsundere is so it's a mean, violent, and hostile on the outside but soft, kind, and sweet on the inside person!

"Then when your alone you can study the Korean language!" Luna says trying to cheer me up and it was working, I nod and she looked bored. So I put on Illegal by BTS and we both started to sing along, at one point she stopped singing but I didn't care. I was just so happy!

I look out the window still singing and smiling and I then thought, 'im going to live with my celebrity crushes! I'm going to die!'

(A/n) I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Love you all bye!

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