i love you // tobyonthetele

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(trigger warning: mentions of suicide and overdose)

i woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating on my nightstand. sleepily groaning, i hesitantly rolled over and picked my phone up. i was getting a call from toby; my best friend who i hadn't talked to in ages. it was 4:30am, why would he be calling me? instantly, my mind went to the worst possible scenarios and i answered.

"toby?" i asked, tiredness obvious in my voice. "ash... hey," his voice was low and shaky, he sounded upset or distraught. "hey, it's nice to hear from you. what's up?" i said, softly. "i'm sorry to wake you but i didn't know who else to call..." his voice fell off at the end and he sniffled gently before continuing, "i just don't know what to do anymore, i'm so... sad right now. i just needed somebody i really trusted to vent to." he confessed. "i'm glad you called, toby. i'm always here for you, no matter what. i'll be over in 10 minutes." i said, quickly.

i hopped out of bed, my phone being held to my ear by my shoulder as i changed into leggings and a t-shirt. "you really don't need to, ash," toby argued, "i know but i want to." i responded as i hopped in my car. i put my phone on speaker, being sure to talk to him softly as i headed to his house. within minutes, i'd arrived. i let myself in with my key that toby had given me a few years ago when he'd originally moved in.

i dashed up the stairs to find toby lying on his bathroom floor, a bottle of pills in hand, and his phone on the floor beside him. his eyes lit up as he saw me and tears started to pour from them, "hey, it's okay. just put 'em down," i said, gently. he set the pills on the floor before sitting up and wrapping his arms around me tightly, staining my shirt with his tears. i gently rubbed circles into his lower back as his sobs got louder, "i'm so sor- sorry" he cried into me. "toby, it's okay. i'm right here. i want you to know that i love you and i'm sorry we haven't talked in a bit. thank you for calling me, i'm always here for you." i ran my right hand up his back slowly before starting to run it through his hair, calming him down.

after a few moments, i spoke again, "hey, how about we head into your room and talk? i don't think the bathroom is the best place," i said, lightheartedly. he pulled away from me hesitantly and nodded, standing up slowly. i stood up as well and we headed to his room. he collapsed onto his bed and i laid down next to him. "i love you too, ash," he said quietly, fighting back tears.

"i don't know what happened, i just couldn't take it anymore. it felt like my whole world was just collapsing on top of me and i just couldn't deal with the weight of that anymore." he admitted. he was talking extremely quick which meant he was nervous and/or upset. "i feel so bad for waking you up, i'm sure you were probably doing great without me but obviously i've been struggling without you. i'm so sorry ash, i didn't mean for any of this..."

i cut him off, no longer being able to fight the temptation to kiss him. our lips collided and i couldn't stop myself from smiling into the kiss, i felt toby do the same as his soft lips that tasted of cherry chapstick fell into rhythm with mine. we held the kiss for as long as we could before we both pulled away for air. his cheeks were pinker than usual and his previously sad eyes now had a brighter look to them. his lips slowly curled into a smile, as did mine before i finally spoke up, "i'm sorry that i cut you off, i just couldn't res..."

this time, he was the one to cut me off as our lips connected, dancing in rhythm yet again. toby and i had always had a purely platonic relationship. we'd been extremely close since sophomore year of high school but that was just as friends. we'd cuddle, go on "dates", and jokingly call each other "baby" or "babe" constantly but it was all platonic until now. and now i was upset that it had taken so long to do what i'd been hopelessly and silently wishing for for years. we parted for air again and he cheekily smiled, "payback." i laughed as i pulled the blanket over us and cuddled closer to him, laying my head on his chest.

"my life has been hell without you by the way, not even close to great," i said, "i know that we didn't really lose each other but not talking like we usually did really took a toll on me." i admitted, responding to his comment from earlier. "yeah, it sucked. my life just kinda started to fall apart and i had nobody to talk to. i'm sorry again." he let out, quietly as if he was scared to talk to me.

"you don't need to apologize, i'm just glad you called me. i don't know what i would've done if you would've gone through with it." even just the thought made me want to cry, i couldn't imagine a world without my best friend. "thank you, ash. thank you for coming over to talk to me, and to comfort me. i love you," he said, smiling. "i love you too." i replied before cuddling into him more and just listening to his heart beat as i felt my eyes shut sleepily.

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