friday // tobyonthetele

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"toby!" i called, knocking on his door. "come in!" he responded, spinning his chair around to face me as i entered his room. "hey, i'm about to run out for a bit. do you need anything or do you want me to pick up food or something?" i asked, kindly. "yeah, i'll text you. but don't check it while you're driving. don't text and drive," he said, smiling. i nodded and smiled in response. "okay i'll be back, stream. hopefully this peasant fill-in named toby entertains you guys while i'm gone," i joked, laughing hysterically at myself. "whatever loser, drive safe!" he said as i waved and shut his door behind me.

i ran a few errands and picked up chinese food for toby and i per his request before heading back home. i brought everything in before making him a plate and taking it up to him. however, instead of knocking this time, i decided to scare him. i opened his door quietly, listening to him talking to his chat as i set the plate full of food on the bed and stealthily sneaking up behind him. i looked directly at the camera and put my finger to my mouth, shushing it as i watched toby take a large hit of his vape.

right as i was about to scare him, he swiveled his chair to face me and blew a fat cloud of minty-smelling smoke into my face. startled, i fell backwards and onto the floor as toby fell into a laughing fit. i felt my face heat up from embarrassment as i stood up, brushing myself off as if nothing had happened. "you're dumb." i said, quietly. "i'm taking your food, it's mine now." i said, mock-salty. "tay, no! i'm sorry, you shouldn't call me a peasant though." i turned my back on him, his plate in my hand as a familiar pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

"noooo, i'm sorry. please don't let me starve!" he pleaded, dramatically, "you can't do this to me!" he mock- screamed, falling to his knees. i shook my head as a smile forced it's way onto my lips. i reluctantly handed him his plate before turning back towards the door. "thanks beautiful, i'm sorry i made you fall." instantly, my face got hot and i felt my stomach do backflips. although toby and i weren't dating, he would often call me names like that and they would never cease to make me blush.

toby and i had met through kryoz like four years ago and we'd been basically inseparable ever since. i'd had feelings for him for probably just as long but i was too scared to admit them because i wasn't sure he felt the same way. john had tried to get me to at least talk to him about it ages ago but i ended up chickening out. it feels like ever since i moved in with him about 6 months ago, the feelings had only been getting stronger and thus, harder to ignore and push away.

"whatever loser, stream safe," i giggled as i mocked his statement from earlier. i closed the door behind me, grinning cheekily from ear to ear. toby has the tendency to make me very giddy, especially when he calls me nice names like that and this time was no exception. as i walked into the kitchen to grab my food, i decided i would head back up to my room to eat while watching toby's stream.

after toby had finished streaming and i was done eating, i started editing an old fortnite video filled with lots of rage. i giggled as john and fitz bounced jokes off of each other for a solid five minutes before a familiar voice interrupted me. "hey," he said, quietly, "whatcha up to?" "just finishing this video for tomorrow" i answered, spinning in my chair to look at him. he ran his hand through his hair anxiously as he took a seat on my bed.

"how 'bout you?" i asked, curiously. toby ran his hand up and down his thigh in unison with his breaths, a sure sign that he was nervous. "just wanted to see what you're doing on friday, maybe we could get dinner or something if you're not busy." toby and i had gone out to dinner together dozens of times but he'd never asked like that and it was never planned, we would just go get food whenever we were hungry.

i paused for a second, realization hitting me that toby lyons was, in fact asking me on a date. "did you just ask me to go out on a date with you?" i asked, smiling. he shrugged, looking off to the side before responding. "i mean, we don't have to, i just thought maybe we could... never mind it was stupid, sorry." he apologized, standing up and walking towards the door.

"no, toby. friday sounds great." i said, excitedly. "i was just surprised, that's all." he turned around, his cheeks pink and his smile wide. "friday it is then." our eyes connected and we just stayed like that for a few moments, completely mesmerized by one another. "well, i should probably get back to work because i haven't done anything and i have to upload tomorrow," i said awkwardly, shattering the calming silence. he nodded before turning towards the door and leaving me to bask in my own excitement.

friday was only two days away but it was still too far. friday would hopefully be the day that i had dreamt of for so long. i sat in my chair just thinking about it for a while before finally returning to editing. friday was the day that i could finally confess my feelings, the day that would hopefully be the beginning of the rest of my life.

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