friday pt. 2 // tobyonthetele

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"we don't have to go anywhere fancy, toby," i said after he'd told me to dress nice. "i know tay but i wanna take you someplace nice, you deserve it," he smiled at me. my heart melted and i questioned what i did to deserve him. "our reservations are at 7, don't be late, missy," he said, sassily. i giggled, heading back to my bedroom to think about later.

    i wasn't sure how i was gonna confess my feelings but all i knew is that i couldn't wait to. i couldn't wait to finally feel all that weight lifted off of my shoulders. i grabbed the only dress in my closet, looking it up and down repeatedly; baby blue silk with ruffles at the bottom. it fell to just around my knees, a bit shorter on me than it was the last time which would make sense because it had been years since i'd worn it.

    i carried the dress and my fancy lingerie (wishful thinking) into the bathroom so i could shower. i took a longer shower than usual, making sure i looked and smelled extra nice. i got ready, drying and curling my hair, and putting on light makeup. eventually, i felt confident enough in the way i looked and i headed downstairs.

once i reached the bottom of the stairs, i stopped and stared at the extremely handsome man waiting for me. his black suit and blue tie (that just happened to magically match my dress perfectly) caused his eyes to look even bluer than usual, something i didn't think was possible. his cheeks were a light shade of pink, perfectly complimenting his pink lips. "you look amazing," he said, a wide smile on his face. "you do too," i said, truthfully.

we stared at each other for a moment before toby spoke, "shall we?" he asked, motioning towards the door and resting his hand on his hip, leaving an open space for me to link my arm with his. i did so as we walked out of the house to his car. he opened the passenger door for me before racing to the driver side and hopping in. "so where are we going?" i asked, curiously. "it wouldn't be a surprise if i told you," he shrugged at me, "sorry." i rolled my eyes, pretending to be annoyed when in reality i was just thinking about how head over heels i am for the man sitting next to me.

after a quiet twenty minute car ride, we pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant i didn't recognize. the sign on the top was written in a cursive i almost couldn't make out, eventually i was able to decipher it and i found out it was called "the alcove." i nodded approvingly as toby opened the door for me, grabbing my hand and helping me out of the car. "the alcove, huh?" i asked, a smile across my face, "never heard of it." he chuckled, "that's because it's a bit too fancy for us,"

    we started to walk towards the fancy establishment, our hands grazing each other's with every step. i wanted to intertwine them so bad but right before i was about to, we entered the restaurant. it was a very fancy place, dimly lit with white tablecloths, and wine glasses at every plate. "welcome!" a lady greeted us, enthusiastically, "would you two be okay over here?" she pointed to a table and we both nodded as we followed her.

    toby raced me to my seat so he could pull my chair out for me. i giggled and took my seat, he did the same as he ordered wine for the both of us. although neither of us were drinkers, this was a special occasion and one glass of wine wouldn't hurt either of us. "wow," i said, gob snacked. the more i looked around, the nicer the place got. "fancy, right?" toby laughed.

    as i brought my gaze back to our table, i stopped on toby. i stared at him, his eyes brighter than i'd ever seen them and his smile was genuine. "you look amazing," i spontaneously complimented him. his cheeks flushed with that familiar pink and a smile fought its way onto his lips. "so do you," he responded. i felt myself blush a bit as our waiter returned with our wine. "i'll be back to get your orders in just a few minutes." we nodded in unison before she walked away, allowing us to finally pick up our menus.

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