Chapter 6:"Happiness Is A Way Of Travel Not A Destination"

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  • Dedicated to Aicha

I ran to the park it was the only place I could think of in my head right then.

When I arrived, I stopped and breathed. I sat down on a  bench next to an older lady. I react just because it was the same bench I and Niall used to sit on. started thinking. Wondering what Niall is doing now? Maybe he starts to pack the stuff calling around to all the guests, saying the wedding will not happen. It felt so surreal. Had we broke up? Or had a fight us? Did he mean what he said? Or was it something that just came out of his mouth? How could this happen? What would I do? Go back no not now. I'm far too angry, sad and disappointed that there was no point to do that right now. The phone started ringing saying "Niall" on the screen along with two hearts emoji next.

I did not answer let it ring. It rang several times and an old lady next to me looked at me. They continued to call long and it was Niall who rang all times. Finally said the old lady next to me "your mobile phone rings, if you have not noticed."

"Ummm ... yeah I noticed it" I replied.

"Why do not you answer? you know my daughter gets desperate when someone calls so she always answers, "she said and looked at me again.

Actually, I wanted to scream no, I will not answer you got that, but she was so sweet to me that I almost wanted to tell the whole story.

"Thanks yes no unfortunately it's nothing important, I said," and smiled while I pressed the mute button on the side.

"Sorry to disturb you again, but curious as I am think you look worried something on your mind? Or umm ... there was nothing. you know when you get old, you become so curious about the younger generation."

I looked at her and smiled and answered

"It's cool little problem with my boyfriend just."

"No so sad maybe, I give you some tea," she said and smiled.

Felt a bit weird that a cute lady I didn't know the name of the started talking to me and then wanted to offer me tea.

"No thanks" I replied kindly and smiled at her. She pour tea from his thermos.

"Irish tea is the best umm" she said, and enjoyed. Then continued

"Excuse forgot to introduce myself Cordelia-Grainne is my name yes I know ugly name if I can say it myself."

"No aww it was super cute I am Aicha by the way."

"Thank you nice to meet you" she said and smiled at me again while she took a sip of his tea. We continued talking for some time about everything. And thoughts of Niall had disappeared. I was here and now and sat on a bench next to an old lady named Cordelia Grainne and her little dog that most were sleeping.

What time was did not even care about. We continued talking. Then we came to the subject of boyfriends. She began to tell me about their first date. Did not even know that you went on a date at the time. Or as she called it invited out on the dance. Suddenly I began to tell the story of Niall and me. I knew for myself that I can easily say things to people that prove to be kind to me.

"But so sad to hear" Then went on a long conversation about what Cordelia-Grainne thought I would do.

After an hour, she said "I'm sorry but I have to go to my store"

"Do you have a shop?" I said surprisingly.

"Yes, I own a small vintage and flower shop. because I was so bored on choosing the name I chose my one name quite simple located on Hill Road 12.

"Fun but you're not too old to work? 'I asked

"Yes but can not just sit at home, want to do something.”

"Please come and visit some day I'd love to if you do" She took the dog and went.

"Sure I will" I said.

She turned around and said

"do not forget happiness is a way of travel not a destination and no one can have a perfect life and relationship, but you can always try to make it better."

And then she continued to walk a way. I sat a long time thinking about the Cordelia-Grainne said and it was true no one could have a perfect life or realtionship but you could always make it better. Known that I would never forget this day. Maybe nerdy but she got me to thinking alot. I will not just give up because of a fight and that life is not over. Although Cordelia-Grainne was old 75 + felt like she lived life as 25 at the age.

I felt in my pocket and found a pair of headphones. Put the headphones in the ears and put on music. The saddest song on my list and was nearly crying to the beat of the song. Damn fuck I thought again. Have to call Niall. No signals were went up when I held mobile to my ear and waited. He must have turned off his mobile. Fuck, Fuck why?! I would just answered before then Niall tried calling. So fucking stupid I am . Why would I even told Niall? He had then never left me or would he do it anyway? I pressed the play button again, I cried and cried more. I sobbed and wiped a tear from the cheek. Music streamed through headphones. The song that was playing wa help yourself with sad brad smith . After listening to the song over and over again, I managed no more. I pulled out the earphones and crawled up into a ball with my arms around my legs looked down at my lap. Cried and sobbed over and over again. I didn't care if anyone saw me.

Then after a long moment of silence, I heard a voice shouting

"AICHA AICHA" the voice was familiar, I had heard it before then I remembered it was Nialls voice. Had crawled up on the bench and now I looked up and saw him coming towards me. I continued to cry. I went up and he ran up to me. We hugged tightly. Hard and long. Without saying anything. Finally he whispered in my ear. "I will never leave you'm so sorry hope you will forgive me you're my everything I love you" "it's okay I'm so sorry too, I love you" I whispered back in his ear.

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