Chapter Four

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The next morning i wake up a little later than normal but i cant bring myself to care and its evident that the boys let me sleep in after the shitty day i had yestureday. I crawl out of bed and dress in my sweat pants and a black cami. I slip on Justin's superman hoodie i stole from him last week. I slip my flip flops on and tuck my phone into my bra, grabbing my bag i exit my room and head down to the kitchen where the whole pack is sitting around talking. When they see me thought they all stop and i k now they are talking about me. With a sigh i grab the money Justin always leaves on the counter for me tucking it in my bra along with my phone. "Guys i know you are talking about me and i dont care. Look im already late and i have to stop and get my coffee befire school so i will see you later" I wave and leave the house.

I hop in my care and drive off to the coffee shop not caring this will make me late for school. I orger my normal large coffee and then take off to school. When i get there i notice that i am about fifteen minutes late for my English class but i dont even care. The less time i have to deal with Mr.Jameson the better. When i walk in everyone turns to look at me, but i ignore them and go to my seat sitting down pulling out a note book and my purple pen sipping my coffee. When im all situated i look up seeing everyone still looking at me and the teacher not teaching. "Are you going to continue the class or are you going to stare at me like i killed someone for the whole two hours?" I snap

"Well i dont know do you care to explain why you are late to my ckass?" Mr.Jameson ask with a glare

"BEcause i had to get coffee and well i just cant stand you." I say forcing a smirk even though my wolf is howling in pain. And i feel my heart break with the look of pain in Matt's eyes.

"You need to stay after class because i will be giving you detintion" He says and goes back to teaching.

I dont pay attention and doodle in my note book the whole time wishing i didnt have a mate. And if i have to have one why cant it be someone else in my pack why does it have to be the Alpha of our rival pack. Before i know it the bell rings and all the other file out but i stay seated. I hear Matt walking down the isle to my dest and sitting in the one next to me. "Ashton look at me please" He begs and its hard to denie him. I hear him sigh before he continues. "Look I know you dont want me to be your mate because we are from rival packs but the moon goddess picked us to be together for a reason. Please why wont you accept me. So what if we are from different packs? We are mates Ash and we need to be together it will litterally kill us both if we arent," Matts says reaching out and grabbing my hand.

I jerk back and glare at him feeling my eyes shift into my wolves and all i see is red. "Dont you dare touch me. Look i get that the goddess wants us to be together but its not going to happen. You are the Aloha of mt rival pack and i will not turn my back on my family for you. Yess we are mates but thats means nothing to me. I will not leave my family for you, your not worth it. I Ashton Clearweather formaly under the Moon Goddess's wittness reject you Matt Jameson as my mate." I say standing.

I feel the agony anf see the pain in his eyes as the rejection take effect on the both of us. My legs go week and my knees give out. I fall to the floor clutching my stomach as it twist in knots as the mate rejection take place. I start to see dark spots and i know something is wrong but before i pass out I feel Matt's arms rap around me picking me up and carrying me over to his desk. "Ash ash baby do you have any pack members in this school?" Matt ask and i hear the worrie in his voice.

I moan in pain riving on top his desk. "My twin nick" I moan again as another roll of pain goest through me and i see the pain in Matt as well but him being an Alpha he can handle it better than i can. Next think i know four giant boys run into the room along with my brother.

"What did you do to her!?" He screams shoving Matt away from me.

"She did it." Matt moans falling to his knees. "She tried to reject me and something went wrong. The goddess wont let her." Matt whimpers as i moan in pain again.

"How do we stop it!?" Nick ask frantick. "She is going to die!"

"THe only thing i can think of is i have to mark her" Matt says with guilt filled eyes

"No, absolutely not" Nick snaps holding me close

"Yes. It's okay." I moan.

I watch as Nick looks at me with trust and Matt painfully moves closer to me, he moves my hair out of my way and leans into where my neck meets my shoulder. He kisses it a little senting sparks through me numbing the pain slightly. "Im so sorry Ashton" Matt whispers in my ear before he bites down marking me as his.

I gasp at the new sensation and watch as Matt's eyes change from his mornal blue to the deep green of his volves and i know mine went from my green grey to the yellow of my wolves. I can tell by the look on NIcks face that our sents have now mixed and every wolf will know that i am Matt's mate, I am his and he is mine. I sigh when Matt lets go stepping back and the pain that i was feeling after trying to reject him has now seased to be. I sit up on the dest carefully and look into my mates eyes watching as they darken a little with lust before going back to their normal cool blue. "Thank you" I say standing and rapping my arms around his neck hugging him tightly to me.

"Yes thank you Matt, thank you for saving my little sister. I dont like that you had to mark her and now she will be leaving but i do appritiate that she is now okay." Nick says with a small smile. He nods at us before turning to leave.

"Nick please wait. Actually i was wandering if you could speak with your Alpha. I would like to arrange a meeting. I belive it is time this hatred between our two packs be finished with. As much as i love Ashton already and want her to come and stay with me all the ime forever i know she will want to see her family as well and i want her to be happy." Matt says to Nick and then looks down to me smiling and kissing the top of my head.

My Teachers My Mate and He's Also an Alpha?!Where stories live. Discover now