AD 14

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Lucy's POV

"Hey,where's Natsu and Erza?"Gray asked,making me look around the guild..

"Yeah,where'd they go?"Happy asked,too.

"They can't possibly be away from here..It's not safe to just wander around,I'm sure that Erza knows that.."I replied,and Wendy nodded in agreement.

"Yo Lucy-san!"I turned my head to look at Sting,who grinned at me.

"You guys wanna hang out before we leave for Crocus,tomorrow?"He asked,

I then looked at my teammates,

"Sure,Sting-san!"Wendy answered with a smile.

"You may all go now, the sun's setting.."Master declared.

Gray, Wendy, Happy, Carla and I then stood up and walked towards the exit with Sabertooth.

But when we got out of the guild, we immediately stopped walking...

"Woah, what a beautiful sunset.. Ne, Lucy-san?"Sting asked me as he looked at the view in front of us.

I then raised a brow at him before looking at the sunset,"I-I guess so.."

'Wasn't Erza his crush, though? I'm confused... Why is he acting so.. close with me?'I thought, curiously as the sun slowly disappeared from our sights.

"Oh well, where do you guys want to go?"Minerva asked us with a smile.

"Whereever you guys want to.."Happy answered as he smiled back.

"It's sad that Erza-san and Natsu-san wouldn't be able to join us though,"Rufus commented before Sting suddenly let out a loud outburst.

"..Hm? I know, why don't we split up and look for them, then meet up!?"Sting suddenly suggested."We should all go with a person from the other guild to get to know each other better.. I'll go with Lucy-san,"

I then noticed how Gray's eyebrows suddenly furrowed.

"What do you mean 'split-up'?"He asked.

"It is what I mean, Gray-san."Sting answered him with a grin."Well, we'll see you later!"

I was then stunned when he suddenly ran away and pulled me with him.

"S-Sting.. Where are we even going? Do you have a headstart about where they could possibly be?"I asked him, making him stop.

I then looked at our surroundings and saw that we were at the bridge near my apartment..

He suddenly sighed, causing me to look at him again.

"Gomen ne sai, Lucy-san.. I just wanted someone to talk to, I guess.."Sting 'fessed before he sat down.

Noticing that no one was around, I decided to sit beside him..

"..Well then, tell me. I'll listen.."I replied as I put on a comforting smile.

He then smiled back before he avoided my glance.

"I just have a lot in mind, lately.."he started off.

"Like?"I asked when he didn't continue his statement.

"Like you-know, the war? My friends.."He answered, still not looking at me."I.. I have a crush on Erza-san."

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