• 7 | "no more parties in la" •

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since my sister worked in the fashion industry with celebrities, i practically begged her every single time to go with her to her work.. and everytime i did, of course, i earned a no.

"PLEASEEEE TAKE ME WITH YOU! you know how much i love playboi carti!!! pleeeaaaaseeee!!" I cried following my frantic sister around the kitchen as she quickly grabbed her lanyard and her phone. she was in a hurry to leave because her work starts at 1:30pm and it was already 1.

"NO damnit for the last time y/n i cannot fucking take you. okay? im running late now get the fuck out of my way before i get fucking fired!!" she barked at me making me flinch and back down a little.

today she was gonna be fitting playboi carti for some big costume party in the hills tonight which EVERYONE was going to. big celebrities, and even staff, which means my sister of course was invited as well.... everyone but me.

i hated living in the background of it all. she got to meet every A/B-list celebrity i admired. she was so known.. and i was just in her shadow. i wanted to go so bad and meet all of them or at least SEE them with my own 2 eyes but she always insisted i stayed my ass home. i instantly bounced back and continued to protest to go.

"CMON Y/SN PLEASE LET ME FUCKING GO I WONT BEG AGAIN!!!" I cried again still following around her every step until we hit the door. she cursed under her breath following a loud frustrated sigh.

"FINE. just this fucking once. dont do no dumbass shit or ill fuck you up. just be polite and quiet and don't touch anything." she said sternly rubbing her hand on her forehead as if she wasn't stressing enough already.

I squealed jumping up and down squeezing her to death earning a small chuckle from her. "I LOVE YOUUUUUUU!!!" I sang as I ran out the door of our pad and ran to her car still jumping in the seat.

it was a mostly silent yet comfortable ride to carti's mansion. she was explaining everything that she was gonna be doing, what to expect, and how long it was gonna take. i zoned out from her boring ass topic of conversation and imagined seeing carti. i was gonna be IN THIS NIGGAS HOUSE!!

"aye, y/n, we here. take this lanyard," my sister says shaking me before throwing me a workers lanyard, "it will let then know you with me, it's technically authorization. its just an extra one i had in the backseat. cmon we gonna be late!" she said getting out the car as i followed behind her nervously.

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