• 8 | "detention" •

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(a/n: im taking ideas and requests now! comment or message me ideas for the next few updates on this book and i might use your idea with credit! 🤪)


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"mane whatever yo, i aint even do shit." i kissed my teeth and pushed out my desk, getting up grabbing my shit and putting in an earbud as i was escorted out yet AGAIN for doing nothing. i heard kids ooing and whispering shit as i rudly flipped my hair into the teachers bubble and walked out like that bitch i was. she peeped her head out into the hallway as i walked down. "watch your act y/n, your parents will be expecting a call soon!"

I rolled my eyes as the TA nigga walked me down the hall giving me wack ass life story, as if i gave a fuck to listen. i put my playlist on shuffle and started to feel my irritation and anger ease as the music played softly through my ears. my 3rd period teacher was always fucking trippping dude! apparently i can't eat hot chips in class... bitch i paid for these! fuck i look like? i don't eat the nasty ass food here anyways.

and apparently confronting a bitch that was talking shit is "harassment" but whatever. for all i care mrs. whatsherfuckinface can suck my whole dick... with her fuck ass bob. and that bitch can catch me outside the next time i do see her.

im not no trouble maker or anything believe me.... lol.

yea ... i lied sis.

i cant cap, my grades is A1, i just always find myself in ISS, the office, or ASD.

i got a hot mouth, a set of hands, and an attitude my mother blessed yet cursed me with. not my fault. nobody can even match me on that.

i think.. right? yea.

he stopped in his tracks causing me to stop, yet i was confused. why we stop at this class? "okay miss y/n, wait outside, i have to get the other student who has to attend ISS so stay here." he ordered as he knocked on the classroom door, earning it to open slowly.

"Jahseh Onfroy? come with me, you're called in for ISS." he yelled calling the classes attention.

the fuck kinda name is jahseh onfroy?

"Ight, lets roll." i heard a raspy voice say lowly.

i look up from my feet and see a weird looking nigga with tied up grey dreads and no eyesbrows. not to mention he has a stick figure tree on his forehead. what the fuck kinda niggas be going to my school yo?

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