Opening Up

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"So about a year ago my life was what you call normal I guess. I had a loving family who cared for me. But that changed when my mom committed suicide and my dad never seen it coming. After the fact I realized there were signs I could've picked up on, I should've picked up on. I feel like it's my fault."

Luke's face was showing total sadness and he squeezed my hand to tell me to keep going but he kept quiet.

"So after she committed suicide my dad began drinking and he would come home drunk everyday and night and he still does now. After a few months he started beating me and now it just became a daily thing. As for the jocks at school they only do it once in awhile. I guess my dad beats me because I look exactly like my mom and hates having the reminder."

I stopped to take a breath and Luke's face was astonished. He looked a little mad too. I could tell because he was holding onto my hand tightly.

"That doesn't give him the excuse to hurt you Skyy".

I sighed because I knew he was right.

"I know Luke, after he found you today he thought we uhm... had sex and he called me a whore and threw me out, so now I'm homeless and have nothing or nowheres to go"

The tears started again and Luke pulled me back onto his lap and rubbed my back again. At that moment I cried for everything that I'd been through, I cried for my mom, my dad and surprisingly myself. It felt good to tell someone about my shitty life. I needed to let it all out and it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

"Skyy, you can stay at my place. My parents might question why but I know they won't mind. You might have to explain about your dad a bit just not go into depth if you don't feel comfortable." Luke said as he pulled me back a little to look into my eyes.

"Luke you don't have to do that I don't want your parents to have to pay more for me for me to stay, I will figure something out."

"I'm serious, we're not rich but we don't struggle my mom already loves you, she won't mind having you stay here she will probably be jumping for joy."

I couldn't believe how nice Luke was to me he was probably one of the best people I've met in my life.

"Okay I can't argue with that but I can only stay until I figure something out, I don't want to impose."

Luke smiled "okay"

Luke looked down at his phone to check the time as I got off his lap.

"Well it's 10:3o I guess we can skip today if your okay with that?" Luke asked

"Yea that's fine I'm so drained emotionally I think I need a nap do you mind if I sleep on this couch"

"Yes I do mind, my bed is more comfy" he smiled.

"Okay bed it is" I said.

Once we got up to Luke's room I climbed on top of his bed and he looked at me funny.

"Aren't you going to get under the covers?" He asked

My face blushed I didn't know if he wanted me actually in his bed.

"Uh- uhm yea s-sure."

He pulled the blankets down for me and tucked me in.

"When you wake up and if I'm not here I'll be downstairs I won't leave the house" then he kissed me on the cheek and left his room.

My face flushed from the heat still lingering on my cheek from that kiss I couldn't help but smile and drift off into a peaceful sleep.

I woke up startled because I wasn't in my normal bed or even my bedroom. Then I remembered what happened last night and this morning. I got up and went downstairs to look for Luke and sure enough he was still home he never left just like he said he wouldn't.

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