Bad Luck

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After putting on my jacket and shoes I was ready to head to the park with Luke. He was waiting by the door with a sweater and a beanie on his head. If it was possible, he looked even better with a beanie on his head.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yes, you look really good in a beanie by the way" I said

He looked over at me and smiled.

"Thanks babe"

My heart fluttered as he said those words. He never called me that before. I liked it.

He grabbed my hand and we headed out and on our way to the park. The fresh crisp autumn air felt good. This was just what I needed after staying inside all day. We made it to the park and Luke was still holding my hand. It was hard to not feel the little electric pulses that went up my arm the whole time he held my hand. It warmed my body up.

I was kind of confused on what basis we were on. Were we just friends or more? Luke kissed me a lot and held my hand and we acted like a couple. But he never really mentioned anything. Maybe he just wants to be friends with benefits. I can't do that. I started to panic thinking about it.



Well here goes nothing.

"What are we? I mean I'm just kind of confused. I know I have feelings for you but I don't know if you feel the same way for me. I'm just scared." I admitted

Luke stopped walking and wrapped his arms around me.

"I have feelings for you too Skyy. But I want to take you out on a proper date before I ask you to be my girlfriend. I want to do this right." He explained.

I nuzzled my nose into the crook of his neck. He was so warm. I felt so much better knowing that he has feelings for me too. I was happy he wanted to take me out on a proper date first before we got involved. Now that I think about it I've never been on a proper date.

We continued to walk to the park and Luke still had ahold of my hand. He was reluctant to let go. I likes having that connection. It gave me a way of him knowing he was there for me.

We got to the park and walked around on some trails. The fall leaves were so pretty on the trees, they soon would fall off soon. Which meant winter was soon. We were walking over to a pond when someone came up to us. It was Ryan. Great what did he want?

"Hey babe. You want to finish what we started in the gym the other day?" Ryan asked with a smirk on his face ignoring Luke.

Luke tensed beside me and I could feel him squeeze my hand tighter.

"Nothing was started you asshole." I muttered.

"Oh come on Skyy, just admit you want me back. You miss all this. You could do so much better than this guy." He gestured to Luke.

Next thing I knew Ryan's lips were on mine. I tried to shove him off but he wouldn't budge. I felt Luke's hand leave me and I felt Ryan being ripped away from me. Luke had Ryan on the ground punching him in the face.

"How many times do I have to beat the shit out of you for you to fuck off and not touch her."

Luke got up from beating Ryan up and came by my side. He cupped my face in his hands.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yea I'm fine just a little shaken up." I replied.

Ryan started to get up and I back away a few steps.

"Just you wait; I'll be back to finish this when your little boyfriends not around." Ryan sneered as he walked away.

Luke grabbed my hand again.

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