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School flew by and next thing I knew we were driving home from school. I was kind enough to let Luke drive us home in my car every night and I drove every morning. I knew how much he loved my car and I loved to see him happy.

We got home and I had to work on some math homework because I was falling behind in class. Luke thought it would be funny to distract me.

"Come on Luke I need like 10 minutes then I will be free to do whatever you want!" I exclaimed as I was looking through my math textbook.

"Oh really now, anything I want?" He asked with a smirk as he wagged his eyebrows up and down.

That was it I had enough of him for today he was really getting on my nerves and it wasn't helping that it was that time of the month so I was even more cranky thank normal. I threw the textbook across the room and it landed right on his stomach as he was lying down on his bed.

"Ouch! What's your problem?!" He asked clinching his stomach.

"You!! Can't you see I'm trying to study. I tried to be nice with you Luke but you just won't stop I only need 10 minutes why can't you understand that?! I am behind in class and I really just need this time to study!" I yelled.

"Calm down Skyy, who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?" He said with a smirk.

That was the last straw. I didn't answer I just walked downstairs and grabbed my keys and got in my car and sped off. I didn't know where I was going but I needed to be away from Luke for a couple if hours.

My phone started ringing in my back pocket and the ID was sure enough Luke. I hung up and shut off my phone. I needed my space for awhile.

After driving for about 30 minutes I pulled up to this little diner just outside of town. My stomach was growling so I decided to get something to eat.

After eating and getting back in my car 2 hours had gone by. I figured I should go back to Luke's house. I was calmed down and hopefully he wasn't being an asshole anymore. I was still behind my in math thought, which I wasn't happy about.

I pulled up to Luke's driveway and I noticed his parents weren't home they must have had to work late night shifts. As I got out of my car Luke was running out the door looking pissed off and a little worried. Oh great.

"Where the fuck were you?!" Luke yelled.

Oh yea he was mad.

"I had to leave for awhile to calm down you were driving me crazy" I explained.

"You could have at least answered my calls!! I thought you were dead in a ditch somewheres Skyy!"

"Luke I'm fine. jeez I was planning on coming back!!" I was starting to get pissed off with him.

"Fuck, you can't just run off Skyy!"

"You can't control me Luke! It's my life I'm aloud to go for a drive to calm down!!"

The next thing I new Luke's hand was coming towards my face and he slapped me on the cheek; hard.

I screamed and fell on the ground. I was in shock I can't believe he hit me. After everything I told him about my dad he had the nerve to hit me. I sat on the ground and the tears started to come.

Luke's face paled as soon as he hit me. He leaned down to me and tried to take my hands in his but I pulled away and whimpered.

"Skyy you have no idea how sorry I am I don't know what came over me. I would never hurt you on purpose."

I stood up and walked over to my car and got in.

"Just leave me alone Luke, I was fine before you came around."

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