Back to School

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Saturday and Sunday flew by. Luke and I just stayed in his room for the most part. He wasn't really aloud to do much so we just watched movies. I had to go back to school today and I was dreading it. Luke didn't have to go back until next week; doctors orders.

"Luke, I have to go to school, I'll see you tonight."

Luke looked much better. Even these two days his face looked so much better he didn't look as pale. Although he still wouldn't eat much. He said he felt sick if he ate a lot.

"Okay. Have fun and don't get into trouble" he said with a smile.

He was still laying in bed and he would probably sleep more once I left. I leaned down and kissed him on the lips, grabbed my backpack and then left.

Arriving at school I spotted the group of jocks in the hallway that would always hurt me. I tried avoiding them but it didn't work.

"Hey freak, your boyfriend not here to protect you?" One of them asked approaching me.

I just ignored him and got into my locker getting my books.

"Hey are you deaf? I'm talking to you!" He said as he threw my books on the ground.

"What is it?" I asked getting pissed.

"You're such a freak" he said as he punched me in the ribs. Hard.

I bent over in pain. Thankfully the jocks left and I picked up my books and carried on. My ribs were killing me all day though. The day went by fast and I couldn't be any more happier to get back home.

I pulled up to the house and walked in the door to he tackled by Luke in a hug. I whimpered out in pain as a pain shot through my body from my ribs. Luke instantly pulled away with concern on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing just my ribs are a little sore that's all."

Luke took my hand and lead my upstairs into his room. Once he shut the door he looked at me with question eyes. He came up to me and placed his hand on my hips and moved them up to my ribs. My breath hitched because he was so close to where that jock hit me. He gently squeezed and I whimpered. He let go instantly.

"Skyy, what happened?"


He put his hands on my hips again but this time he lifted my shirt up. He looked at my ribs and his face angered.
I walked over to the mirror to look and there was a huge bruise.

"Who did this?!" Luke asked.

"Just those stupid jocks. It's not that bad. I'm fine."

He walked up to me looking pissed.

"That's not nothing Skyy. I barley touched you and you were almost crying in pain!"

I flinched. I hated when he got mad. He noticed I flinched and his face softened.

"I'm sorry Skyy. I shouldn't have raised my voice."

"It's okay. I think my ribs might be broken though" I said.

"We need to get you to the hospital. When did they do this?"

"First thing this morning."

"And you walked around all day with possibly broken ribs?! Are you crazy you could've called me. I would've came and got you."

"You can't drive Luke. Remember your head."

"Well you could've called mom or dad they love you like there own kid. Hell they like you better than me now."

"That's not true Luke and you know it they love you they're just scared right now."

"Whatever, we need to get you checked out can you drive?" He asked.

"Yes I drove home."

"Alright let's go."

We got to the hospital and sure enough my ribs are broken. The doctors give me some pain killers and we head back home. We walk into the kitchen to find Dave and Emma.

"Where were you two?! We worried sick about you."

"Sorry Emma we were at the hospital."
I answered because I knew things were still awkward between Luke and his parents but he was giving them credit for trying.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Some asshole broke Skyy's ribs at school." Luke said.

Emma gasped and came over to give me a gentle head making sure not to hurt me.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes, I just need to take some painkillers when my ribs hurt too bad."

"I'm glad you're okay." Emma said.

"Thank you Emma."

Luke grabbed my hand and we headed upstairs to his room. When we were both sitting on the bed Luke carefully placed me on his lap.

"You're not going to school this week. I don't care if you want to. I'm not there to protect you and I don't want you getting hurt."

"Luke I can't, what if I fall behind in my classes?"

"I'll touter you, hell I'll even hire a touter for you. I just don't want to see you get hurt."


"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Letting me protect you."

"Oh well in that case you're welcome. But Luke I can protect myself too."

"I know but just let me help. I let you help me. You've seen my naked and washed me like I was an old person."

I laughed and pulled him in for a hug.

"Oh Luke what would I do without you?"

"I don't know what I'd do without you either." He sighed.

Just then I heard the front door open and is figured Emma and Dave must have been home.

"Why don't we go spend some time with your parents. I should help Emma with dinner."

"Okay. I could use some time with them. Maybe they can help me remember."

I looked over at Luke and smiled. I gripped my hand in his and headed downstairs.

I helped Emma with dinner and Luke and his father were talking. He showed Luke old photos and at first he was a little scared but next thing I knew he was smiling and laughing with his dad. The sight melted my heart.

"You love him don't you." Emma said to me.

"Uhm. Ahh I-" I blushed.

"It's okay you're secrets safe with me. I can tell by the way you look at him Skyy. I'm glad he has you. I wouldn't rather anyone else." Emma said putting her hand on my shoulder.

I turned to look at her smiling face which made me smile.

"Thank you Emma, for everything."

"It's my pleasure dear. I'm just glad Luke is happy and I know for a fact your the one who made him come down here tonight. I think if he remembers us it's going to be because of you helping him. Even if he never remembers us again we will still love him to death. There's many more years in our lives to make memories with him."

Then I heard someone clear there throat behind us. I turned to see Luke.

"Y-You will still love me if I don't remember?" Luke asked.

He heard everything. I was glad he did. He needed to hear for himself from his parents that they would love him no matter what.

"Oh course Luke. We will love you no matter what. This is hard for is but we're trying."

Then Luke did something I never expected him to do his gave his mom a hug. He had tears running down his face and he looked so happy.

"I-I remember."

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