Tears and Scars

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I woke up to Luke screaming beside me. He must have been having a bad dream. I shook him to try to wake him up.

"Luke, wake up."

He was still screaming.


His eyes flew open and I could see the fear in them.

"Shh, it's okay Luke it was just a bad dream. I'm here."

I saw his body physically relax and he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. I held onto him too and rested my head on his chest so he knew I was here for him.

"Do you want to talk about your bad dream?" I asked.

He pulled away a little to look down into my eyes.

"I-It was about the accident." He whispered.

"You don't have to say anymore if you don't want Luke." I said rubbing his stomach. When I was little and had bad dreams my mom would rub my stomach and I would feel better.

"No I need to say it. I was driving down the road and I was at a red light and a 18 wheeler came crashing into my car. It was horrible there was blood everywhere's and then it just goes black."

I couldn't believe it Luke was remembering. I sat up from laying down. Luke jumped at my fast movements and looked a little confused.

"Luke that wasn't a dream that's actually what happened! You're remembering!" I exclaimed.

He sat up as well and smiled. It was good to see that smile on his face. It felt like so long since he genuinely smiled.

"Do you remember anything else?"

"No that's it." He said.

"Oh well it will come along. I am so proud of you. This is a good sign."

We laid back down because it was in the middle of the night and we needed sleep. Luke was a little restless and kept moving awkwardly.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Uhm c-can you uhm never mind." He muttered.

"No Luke can I what? please tell me."

"W-Well it just felt nice when you rubbed my stomach. It was calming." His face was red and he was rubbing the back of his neck.

"Don't be embarrassed. All you had to do is ask. I like knowing that it calms you down."

Luke wrapped his arm around me and I huddled closer to him laying my head on his chest and rubbing slow circular motions on his tummy. After a few minutes I heard his breathing slow down and he was sleeping. I soon fell back asleep too.

I woke up to Luke staring at me. He still had his arms around me and he had a smile in his face.

"Were you watching me sleep?"

"Yea, you looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you."

"How did you sleep after the bad dream?" I asked.

"Good. You helped a lot."

"Eh, no problem I like helping."

I went to get up to go to the bathroom when I heard Luke mumble something that sounded like sorry. I turned around to look at him and his was looking down.

"What did you say?"


I was confused. Why was he sorry?

"Uhm sorry for what Luke? I'm confused."

He looked up to meet my eyes and he looked guilty.

"About yesterday, those things I said. I was out of line and I didn't mean them."

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